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Q: How are the atoms in ionic compounds arranged?
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How are atom arranged in molecular compounds?

Atoms are arranged in molecular compounds in groups.

How are molecular compounds different from an ionic compound?

In molecular compounds, atoms are joined by covalent bonds, while in ionic compounds, they are joined by ionic bonds.

When are IONIC compounds are formed?

ionic compounds are formed by the complete transfer of electrons. If the electronegativity difference between the two atoms is above 1.7, then ionic bond is formed between the two atoms.

Why do ionic and polar covalent compounds form chrystals?

Ionic compounds form a crystal lattice. Covalent compounds, polar AND non-polar, giant molecule AND molecular can form crystals. Molecular covalent compunds form regular lattices where the molecules are packed in a regular way.

What kind of atoms form ionic compounds?

Combinations of atoms from a metal and a non-metal form ionic bonds in most cases.

When atoms from Column I (Group 1) combine with atoms from Column VII (Group 17)?

These obtained compounds are halides, ionic compounds.

What are atoms held together by a atratction between what?

The electrostaic attraction between atoms (a metal and a nonmetal) occur in ionic compounds.

The specific way in which atoms are arranged in an ionic compound is called the?

Crystal lattice.

Do all atoms have the same electronegativities?

No. If they did, no ionic compounds would exist.

The combining of atoms to form molecules or ionic compounds?

Chemical Bonding

Do ionic compounds share electrons?

No they do not, electrons are transferred between atoms

In covalent compounds atoms become chemically stable by doing what?

bonding to ionic compounds of the same charge