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Q: How are the two names on the title supposed to be signed to sell it?
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Sell your car when the title has been signed over but not transferred?

my girl friend sind my title but never went to the dmv to get it in her name she gave me the title back and now i have to sell it whAT DO I DO

If two names are listed on a title who is the owner of the car?

Both people own the car. If the names on the title show John Doe "and" Jane Doe, the title must be signed by both John and Jane before it can be sold. If it shows John Doe "or" Jane Doe, only one signature is required to be able to sell it.

Who can sell the car if 2 names are on the title?

When a CA title has 2 names on it the way the names are recorded will decide who can sell the vehicle. If the names on the title read "person 1 / person 2" then both parties would have to sign off title to sell vehicle but when the title reads "person 1 or person 2 then only one of the two people have to sign the title in order to sell the vehicle. So basically if the names are recorded with a / (meaning end) between the names then both parties must sell but if the names are recorded with an OR between them then only one person has to sign off title for sale. Other states may be different, so check with your DMV to be sure. In some, "or" is used instead of "/."

Do you need to transfer title when selling car to junkyard?

If it is signed by the origanal owner and no one else has signed it yes you can sell it to a junkyard.

Can you sell a Car if you have a title signed by an owner?

No, what you have is an "open" title and the owner, him or herself must be present to sell the vehicle. You should have obtained a vehicle power of attorney, and left the title un-signed until it was sold. However, The Modified Notary Certificate of Default Method: is a VERY EFFECTIVE legal technique to receive rights to the title!

If I co-signed for a car and the person can not continue the payments and I being the primary owner decide that I do not want to keep this car can it be traded in for another?

Absolutly. If the title is in both names it will be required that the other party "sign off" the title as you will need to sign off the title too when you sell or trade in the car.

In Colorado can one spouse sell a jointly owned vehicle without the other spouse consent?

for example is the title is signed Julie and Tim than both people have to sign the title, but if the title is signed Julie or Tim than only one has to sign the title.

Can you still sell a vehicle if the buyer and seller both signed the title without it being on the road?


Can you sell a car you just purchased before you get the title?

If the previous owner signed the title over to you and your name is listed as the buyer then yes you must title it first before anyone else can title it.

Ex will not sign title to car you used for a trade the title is in both your names this is a straw purchase but can you do?

It depends on how the title is worded. If both names are on it as "or", for example, john smith or jean smith, you do not have to have his signature to sell it. If it is john smith "and" jean smith, both are required to sign it in order to sell it.

Is a vehicle mine if you have title in my name?

Well, did you pay for it? If the title is in your name and you haven't signed it over to anyone, it is yours. You can repo it, sell it or whatever else you need to do with it.

How do you sell a car if you signed the title?

If you have already signed the title over to a seller who did not buy the car and you wish to sell it to someone else, you will need to either get a new copy of the title from your state department of motor vehicles (DMV) or obtain a form to supersede that signature. How and what is required will vary from state to state and very likely you will have to pay a fee or fine for doing so.