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Two full grown red eared sliders will need at least a 25 gal. tank if not more.

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Q: How big does the tank need to be for two male red eared sliders?
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Can your red eared sliders lay eggs in potting soil?

Red Eared Sliders are water turtles so they need water but sand can be in their tank with them. Sand tends to clog filters though, so gravel would be a better option.

Do you need a filter for a red eared sliders tank?

Yes ! The filter will help to keep the tank clean by removing uneaten food particles, and faeces from the water - reducing the amount of bacteria.

Can red ear sliders live in sand?

Red Eared Sliders are water turtles so they need water but sand can be in their tank with them. Sand tends to clog filters though, so gravel would be a better option.

Is it okay to keep baby red eared sliders with juveniles?

Just as long as they can't get a hold of the turtle, or the tank.

Can a red eared slider mate at a young age?

Yes they can recently I caught my two new sliders mating in their tank and they were at the ready age.

Does the red ear turtle have to be in sun light or water?

In nature and outdoor captivity, red eared sliders swim in water, and then climb on top of rocks to bask in the sun for periods of time. In an indoor tank, red eared sliders swim in the tank and then climb on top of a floating turtledock provided by their owner, and bask in UV-B simulating lamps.

Can you keep red eared sliders turtles and eastern mud turtles together?

I have mine together in the same tank and they are fine so I don't see why not.

What do red eared sliders eat in the wild?

they need lots of swimming water land food sun shine or sun lamp tank there,but can live a while without food or water

In a 55 gallon tank can you keep a red eared slider and a lizard and what kind of lizard would be ok?

you shouldn't keep sliders with ANY kind of lizard

Can you house a red eared slider with a mississippi map turtle?

Yes, every thing should be fine just watch them and make sure that they get along. Also, understand that these turtles will get large(Red Eared Sliders get 10-12in and male Mis. maps get about 5in while female Mis. maps get 10in) so you will need to keep them in a 150gallon plus tank or backyard pond. Hope every thing works out!

How do you get red eared sliders to eat lettuce?

just throw small piece's of Romanian lettuce in its tank and watch if it eats it. if it dose not try feeding it something else

Are turtles good house pets if you have a dog?

Yes they are, I have four red eared sliders and my pitbull sits and watches the tank as much as I do. It all depends on your enclosure and your dogs behavior.