

Best Answer

Syria is closest in size to the state of Washington, which is 184,665 km2 (a difference of 525 km2).

The US is 9,826,675 km2. That means the US is about 53 times the size of Syria.

answer 2:

Western power structure create all terrorist group like Al Qaeda, Taliban and now Takfiries and Isis and they make lots of films and advertisment against Islam because they want to increase Islamophobia. Islamophobia (or anti-Muslim sentiment) is a term for prejudice against,hatred towards, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims.The term entered into common English usage in 1997 with the publication of a report by the Runnymede Trust condemning negative emotions such as fear, hatred, and dread directed at Islam or Muslims. While the term is now widely used, both the term itself and the underlying concept have been criticized.The causes and characteristics of Islamophobia are still debated.Some scholars have defined it as a type of racism. Some commentators have posited an increase in Islamophobia resulting from the September 11 attacks, while others have associated it with the increased presence of Muslims in secular nations

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