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Osteoporosis refers to a loss of bone mass in which the bones become porous and fragile. Our bones are constantly being remodeled, with bone tissue being broken down and rebuilt on a regular basis. Bone density (the degree of mineralization of the bone matrix) usually increases until about the age of 30, but after that, trouble can begin.

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Q: How can I treat osteoporosis with diet and calcium supplements?
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Does the osteoporosis diet work?

The osteoporosis diet is used mainly for taking preventative measures against osteoporosis, by limiting salt, and sugar, and increasing calcium intake.

What will inculding calcium in your diet prevent?

osteoporosis and the white tick lines on your fingernails !

How does diet and lifestyle affect the risk of osteoporosis?

People who smoke or drink too much, or do not get enough exercise have an increased chance of osteoporosis. Diet. Those who do not get enough calcium or protein may be more likely to have osteoporosis

What are good diet and weight loss plans for someone with osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones, therefore foods that are high in calcium and Vitamin D are recommended. This includes dairy (milk, yogurt, etc.) orange juice, and certain cereals to name some. Make sure that they are labeled as calcium fortified. It is also recommended that supplements are taken with meals.

What is the best diet for osteoporosis?

The best diet for Osteoporosis is one with good amounts of Calcium and Vitamin D. As these are what makes up your bone density. You can go to, to find out more information.

A diet rich in calcium and vitamin D can help prevent?

Osteoporosis. Bone material loss.

What benefit Does calcium supplements have for black people?

Black people need calcium to build bones just as other humans. Without enough calcium in the diet, Black people as with others can suffer from brittle bone disease or osteoporosis; although osteoporosis is not as common among this race as in some other races. Black people have a higher rate of lactose intolerance, which means that they as with a few other races, may not be able to properly digest the sugar - lactose - in milk.Some people may be more sensitive to lactose than others and cannot tolerate any dairy products. Milk and dairy products offer an easy way to get calcium. If folks can't tolerate these products, calcium supplements could be an alternative source of calcium. In addition to this, a few studies found that if a person with high blood pressureeats a low fat, high fruit/vegetable diet with adequate amounts of calcium, he or she can lower his or her blood pressure. Again, adding calcium to the diet -- whether it is from foods or supplements -- can be beneficial. Hope this helps.

Are there any good calcium supplements that support a diet?

There are lots of sources of calcium in food. For example the most common sources of calcium in food include yogurt, cheese, milk, juices and soy. If you feel you are not getting enough you can buy calcium supplements.

What nutrition and diet plan is good for preventing osteoporosis?

A good diet plan for this is eating more fruits and vegetables. Take a calcium or multivitamin every morning and before you go to bed. This should help with the symptoms of osteoporosis.

Where can I get information on osteoporosis treatment and diet?

You can find information on osteoporosis treatment and diet on the following

What should I eat prior to a bone density test?

A person should eat their normal diet before the bone density test. The only change that should be made to a diet is calcium supplements. Calcium supplements should not be taken before a bone density test.

What foods should Sandra add to her diet if she has a family history of osteoporosis?

Dairy products are rich in Calcium and also the Vitamin "D" which is needed for the body to absorb the calcium.