

How can a 12-year-old lose weight in one month?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Walk run eat less.

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Q: How can a 12-year-old lose weight in one month?
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you'd lose no weight.

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You cannot lose 60 pounds of body weight in one month by any natural means. It is an unrealistic expectation.

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The average weight of a one month old baby is anywhere between 6.6 to 11.2 lbs. However, it is known that some newborns will slowly lose weight after the one month mark then gradually put the weight back on.

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The best way to lose ten pounds in one month is to sweat. Sweating can make you lose a very large amount of water weight very quickly.

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All of it.

Is there a way to lose 55 pounds in a month?

Apart from surgical intervention, it cannot be done. You cannot lose 55 lbs of body weight in one month by natural means.

How much weight will you lose if you starve for one month?

I doubt that you can starve yourself for a month as your body will not allow it. It all depends on how much you weigh now and how active you are.

How many kilogram of your body weight will lose in one month if you drink a honey with warm water?

you might actually gain

How much weight can I lose on the South Beach diet in one month?

If you follow the diet plan, it is supposed to make you lose at least 13 pounds in two weeks. So if you follow through with it you should be able to lose up to 26 pounds in a month.

What is the average weight people lose in one month?

Don't think there really is one, it depends too much on how harsh their diets are and on how good they are at following them

Is it unhealthy to lose 20 pounds in one month if you weight 175 pounds?

Yes, definitely. Losing that much weight so quickly can actually be harmful. It is better to lose weight gradually, which gives your body a chance to adjust, and does not put you at risk of illness.

How do you lose 11 pounds in a month?

A healthy weigh loss is one to two pounds per week. If you want to lose weight in a month, you will have to eat less, and exercise more. Take in fewer calories by staying away from high fat, sugary foods.