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The child would need to do so with the consent of, and with, her custodial parent. A child cannot consult with an attorney on their own.

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Q: How can a child talk to an attorney about visitation with a parent?
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How can a teen talk to an attorney about visitation with a parent?

Talk to the guardian ad litem, but it is often evidence of parental alienation syndrome.

How does a non-Indian parent get custody of their Indian child when the child lives with their Indian parent in tribal court?

Depending on where you live this is next to impossible unless you can prove abuse and neglect are involved, due to Rights of the Indian Nation. The Tribal Family almost always supersedes even the biological family. Talk to a civil rights attorney if you are being denied visitation with your children.

What are the responsibilities of the custodial parent by law when the non-custodial parent is required to provide child support and health insurance?

I think it depends on the state. While most states' divorce laws are similar, they aren't completely the same. However, I do think that, in all states, the custodial parent has the responsibility to make sure the kids get to the non-custodial parent's house for visitation, provided that the NCP is a good parent that doesn't pose a threat to or abuse the children. Before withholding visitation, if something the NCP does (i.e. not strapping the child in the car right) worries the CP, then the CP should talk to their attorney to see what theor options are. Withholding visitation without legal backing can come back to bite the CP who does so in the butt.

What are the guidelines for re-introducing a parent back into a child's life?

The best interest of the child is always the bottom line. If the child has already bonded with another parent "figure" and has no knowledge of the absent parent - this needs to be done slowly and carefully. Talk to an attorney who has family practice experience.

Am I legally responsible for child support if my child turned 21 and several child support checks were not cashed by the custodial parent?

As for the uncashed checks, you will need to talk to an attorney on that one. As for the age, check links below.

What can be done when every time my 15 year old visits and he gets disciplined he calls his mother and she picks him up We are divorced and she's telling him he doesn't have to visit?

You have to put your foot down. This is your child too and you have the right to discipline him/her. When your kid isn't there talk to your ex and tell her that you would like her to back you up on this. If this doesn't work then you have to contact an attorney who who will get you a court hearing OR you can petition a local US court yourself. NOTE: Non-custodial parents or parents with shared custody DO have visitation rights, even if the non-custodial parent fails to pay child support (that is a separate legal issue). The custodial parent cannot withhold visitation. If you (either parent) does not have a Court ordered visitation schedule or no support order, both need done to protect the child and parents.

Can a parent with sole custody move with out notice to the other parent if they have full visitation?

Talk to a lawyer to avoid making an error that could jeopardize your custody.

Is it legal for a detective or police to talk to a minor without an parent or attorney in South Carolina?

No, a parent must be present.

Can the custodial parent stop a child support order? all means yes they can. If the custodial parent no longer wants child support from non-custodial parent the custodial parent must petition the court to end the order. The order must be signed by a judge. However ended the support will zero out any late payments also.

Can custodial parent refuse to talk to non custodials wife?

The biological parents should attempt to work together amicably for the best of their children. When the non-custodial parent has visitation time, and they are re-married, chances are that the children may be spending time alone with the step-parent and it can be in the child's best interest for there to be open dialogue.

How can a child convince a parent to opt out of visitation?

Which parent...the custodial or non-custodial? If the custodial parent, that parent cannot make that decision. It must go before the court and a modification of visitation allowed or disallowed depending on the reasons given. Otherwise the custodial parent may be found in contempt of court which has very unpleasant consequences up to and including jail or changing custody to the non-custodial parent. If you are talking about the non-custodial parent, about all you can do is talk to them outlining your reasons why you do not wish to visit them, and even if they agree with you, again this is something that needs to be presented to the court to protect the custodial parent.

Your children are 19 and 20 and are college students living with you if you remarry will you lose their child support if you are the custodial parent?

Remarriage stops alimony (generally). It doesn't stop child support (again, generally). Talk to an attorney if you're uncertain.