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Distinguish your resting heart rate, your maximum heart rate during exertion, and your recovery time. As you use aerobic (fitness, cardio) exercise, your resting heart rate and your recovery time will decrease as your maximum heart rate increases. The best kind of aerobic exercise for these effects is high intensity interval training.


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Q: How can aerobic exercise improve your breathing efficiency?
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What category of exercise can improve cardiorespiratory endurance?

Any exercise that gets your heart rate up and gets you breathing more rapidly for an extended period will improve the fitness of the cardiovascular system. This can be such things as brisk walking, jogging, running, and bicycling, etc. Some people refer to these type of exercises are aerobic. Other people refer to them as cardio exercises.Often the words aerobic and cardio are used interchangeably, but there is a difference. Aerobic exercise is exercise with oxygen. In other words exercises that get you breathing hard. Cardio exercise is short for cardiovascular. Cardio exercise is any exercise that stresses your cardiovascular system, which are the exercises that get you breathing more rapidly.All cardio exercise is aerobic exercise. However, not all aerobic exercises will give cardiovascular benefits. For example, walking is aerobic. However, walking at a pace of 2 km/h is not going give you cardiovascular benefit. For more information about exercises, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions..

What are the Adaptations of aerobic training?

improve submaximal aerobic endurance and vo2maxmuscular changes in fiber size, blood and oxygen supply, and efficiency of functioningimprove efficiency of energy production

What does aerobic exercise do for our body?

Aerobic exercise improves the volume of oxygen your body can take in and use to fuel aerobic functions of your body. Activities include aerobic metabolism and cardiovascular exercise. Aerobic literally means with "air", and the most biologically important to survive is oxygen. Therefore aerobic means "with oxygen". Aerobic metabolism are activities that occurs within your body when you are at rest, like in sedentary breathing, reading, writing, watching, etc. Cardiovascular exercise are activities that can improve your maximum aerobic capacity called "V02max", and may include intense physical exercise that elevates your hear rate to at least 60% of your maximal heart rate for a prolonged period of time.

What is aerobic dance and how is it developed?

Aerobic dance is a form of exercise which combines dancing and strength exercise. It was developed by a doctor and physiologist team to help improve the fundamentals of exercising.

What is the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobics?

Aerobic exercise is exercise with oxygen, in other words, exercise that gets you breathing hard by utilizing your cardiovascular system. Running, jogging, swimming, and walking are examples of aerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is exercise without oxygen, in other words, exercise that does not get you breathing hard. Doing a single squat or bench press are examples of anaerobic exercise. Actually, every exercise is at least slightly aerobic or slightly anaerobic. Also, many anaerobic exercises can be made aerobic simply by doing more of them, for example, doing 50 bench presses or squats without pausing.

How to improve heart beat?

Exercise; especially long, moderate aerobic such as walking, moderate bicycling, swimming etc.

What are the benefits of hill sprints?

Can becomefaster looseweight or getting longer breathing time longer repetition

What is aerobic exercising?

If your looking for a good aerobics workout try: Jane Fonda Step Aerobics and Abdominals. GREAT WORKOUT for everyone! If your a beginner do the workout without the steps and as you lose the weight to make the workout more intense you can add ankle weights and make the steps higher! (at least that's what I do) Hoped I help! : ))

How does your body adjust to breathing during exercise?

There are many benefits to breathing exercises. These types of exercises help to get more air into the lungs and to improve lung capacity. This leads to more oxygen entering the body where it is needed to keep the various functions running efficiently. The diaphragm is also strengthened by breathing exercises. Another benefit is that the lungs and chest are kept limber and flexible. All types of exercise, whether breathing exercises or aerobic exercise, strengthen the muscles of the diaphragm and chest cavity. With a more mobile lung and larger lung capacity, it is easier for people with lung diseases to breath.

What is the aerobics with singular meaning?

The singular form, aerobic, is an adjective that describes something as living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen (example: aerobic bacteria);a type of exercise designed to improve cardio vascular functioning.The noun aerobics is an aggregate noun with no singular form; a word representing an indefinite number of activities for exercises designed to increase cardiovascular efficiency.

Will cycling routies improve my agility?

Cycling is a good way to get aerobic exercise, but will do little to help with agility. For that you could try using a speed rope or do gymnasitc exercise or yoga for your flexibility.

What is the purpose of cardiac rehabilitation exercise?

The greatest benefit occurs as muscles improve the efficiency of their oxygen use, which reduces the need for the heart to pump as much blood. While such exercise doesn't appear to improve the condition of the heart itself.