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the onset effects of alcohol are loss of inhibitions and feeling "loose". heavier alcohol intoxication leads to lack of coordination, giddiness, and feeling "eft up".

tobacco can cause relaxation and to those who do not use it on a regular basis, another type of "eft up" feeling accompanied by dizziness.

put them together and what have you got? for some, a natural state of being. for others, a night of fun followed by a morning of pain. you may wake up in bed with a stranger or on someone else's front lawn. you may be missing friends or missing teeth. you may have new enemies or new diseases.

in moderation and a safe environment, alcohol and tobacco can be relaxing and nice. in excess and out on the town, they can allow you to do things that you wouldn't normally do. some neutral, some bad, and some VERY BAD. usually not good things.

chronic use of alcohol and tobacco can lead to creepiness, poor health, poor social skills, loss of motivation, more use of alcohol and tobacco.

can it make you stupider? the simple answer is yes.

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Q: How can alcohol and tobacco effect the brain?
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That would be alcohol consumption and tobacco use.

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Alcohol affects the mind by basically burning brain cells and sometimes you can be like that permanently

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Because of "minors" not being able to comprehend the dangers of Alcohol and the effects that is can and most likely will cause for a "minor", such as drinking and driving, liver cancer, and the effect on your brain. Mr.Smith

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The usual meaning is "Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms," which is a common abbreviation for the federal law enforcement agency, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Alcohol how does it effect the teenage brain?

It appears that teen brains might tolerate less alcohol than an older brain. However, there is no evidence that drinking in moderation has any adverse effects on the teen brain.

Does energy drinks effect your brain?

i think that energy drinks can effect you brain because it has to much caffeine in it and you can get to much of it in your system at one time just like alcohol.

When alcohol reaches the brain it begins to effect those areas of the brain that control?

When alcohol reaches the brain, it begins to affect areas responsible for inhibiting behavior, processing information, and controlling movement. It can impair judgment, coordination, and cognitive functions due to its depressive effects on the central nervous system. Continued heavy alcohol consumption can lead to long-term changes in brain structure and function.