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I think so

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2d ago

Fermentation can be potentially dangerous if harmful bacteria or molds contaminate the fermentation process, leading to food poisoning. Certain types of fermented foods can also produce toxic byproducts if not prepared or handled correctly, which can lead to illness. Overconsumption of fermented foods high in histamine, such as aged cheeses or fermented meats, can also trigger allergic reactions in some individuals.

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What type of fermentation takes place in your body muscles?

lactic acid fermentation

Is fermentation mainly based on alcohol?

yes, but there is also lactic acid fermentation that occurs inside your body.

Do your body cells always use cellular respiration and fermentation?

Yes. Cell respiration and lactic acid fermentation.

Is fermentation a process that releases energy without using oxygen?

Yes, Fermentation is a process used when your body is lacking oxygen, like when you have been running for awhile and you are tired and breathing heavly, Fermentation is releasing energy into your body without taking that small amount of oxygen.

What is generated during lactic acid fermentation?

your body create alcohol

Fermentation may occur in a muscle under what type of condition?

If oxygen is not available in the body especially muscle it leads to fermentation in an anaerobic respiration.

What is human fermentation?

Fermentation is a medical term used to describe the chemical breakdown of a substance. For example, in the human body, bacteria and yeast will breakdown with sugars.

What kind of fermentation occurs in the human body?

well, when the body is not awesome muscles r tiredand fermentation happensits like giving ur body the energy its missingbut usually it relases lactic acidwhich makes ur muscles feel SOREThe Chetti.

Is fermentation the way that plant cells capture energy?

Ffg t

Can the human body use alcoholic fermentation for energy?

No I don't think so

When might your body perform fermentation processes?

Your body might perform fermentation processes when there is not enough oxygen available for aerobic respiration, such as during intense exercise or when oxygen supply to tissues is limited. In these situations, cells may switch to anaerobic fermentation to generate ATP and continue producing energy.

Is Ontario dangerous?

Any body of water can be dangerous.