

How can one breed snails?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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To breed garden snails you will need a good environment

-bowl or tank about a foot long and a foot high

-food: lettuce, cucumber or carrots (anything from a salad :) )

-a source of calcium is important for the shells to remain strong, so provide a cuttlefish, chalk or boiled egg shell.

-snails will go into a sort of hibernation if they don't have a source of water, so make sure to keep their environment moist.

-it's also very important for your snail tank to have at least 8 inches of soil for their eggs to be laid.

-snails are hermaphrodites so you can just find any two and breed them, as long as they are the same species

  • the snails will fertilize each other

-after a period of 1-2 weeks the eggs will be laid about three inches under the soil.

-eggs hatch in about a week

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14y ago
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11y ago

Their feet come together and then they shoot darts into each other. The darts contain sperm and cause fertilization. Snails are hermaphrodites so there is no male or female snail because they are all both! One snail can cause reproduction by itself. They lay eggs that will hatch into baby snails over about four weeks.
they stuck togather

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13y ago

When preparing to mate, snails often go through what may be described as a mating ritual which can involve playful biting and rearing up to one another. One of the most distinct examples of this is Helix pomatia, which rear up as if they are fighting and act as though they are kissing. This can go on for a number of hours.

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13y ago

Nope, unless there is inbreeding which changes the snail into different ways or the snail has sex with a different type, this is highly unlikely.

hope i helped

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11y ago

You could tell if a snail is mating because their slimel part of their body is hooked up with each other.

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12y ago

snails are hermaphrodite thus one has to simply catch 2 snails of the same breed and put them in a water body.during mating season(rainy season/monsoon)they will mate.

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Do mystery snails eat their young?

No, the eggs are layed above water and when the baby snails hatch they fall in. from there many baby snails will go into the parents shell for protection. or sometimes on top of the shell. I dont think the parent snails even notice the little ones. often they will push them out of they way to get where they're going, but I've never seen one eat it's young. sources: I breed snails

Can you put garden snails in your fish tank?

Yes snails can live in a fish tank, and they can breed.

Do you need two trapdoor snails to breed?

The aquatic trapdoor snail is a livebearer. It needs two snails to reproduce, but it would be possible for them to be purchased pregnant then have babies on their own.

How do you make snails mate?

Get to snails [same breed] put them in a tank with wet soil plenty of greens and in 1-2 week's they will mate and lay eggs

Should snails live together in a fish bowl?

Absolutley yes. I had about 3 snails in my fish tank, they breed and make more. Make sure that they do not slide up the sides. But apple snails and golden mystery snails love to live in such a habitat. Glad I could help. (:

What is the difference between garden snails and apple snails?

Apple snails are freshwater aquatic snails. Garden snails are land snails.Apple snails have lungs and gillsGarden snails have lungs onlyApple snails skin is thin and translucent (with slime)Garden snails skin is thick and leathery (with slime)All apple snails have two sets of antennaeGarden snails have species with one and two sets.

Do you need the same breed of snail to breed them?

No, breeding is when you take two breeds of an animal or in your case snails and make them have children and the children are now a new breed of snail so no you cannot have 1 breed to create a new breed you need 2

How do snails interact with humans?

Snails eat from our vegetable gardens. In return we poison them, or, sometimes we rear them and eat them cooked in garlic and garnished with a squeeze of lemon (escargots!). I breed them. They are very social animals. I would never kill them. I never have. I breed them to keep their population up.

How do snail reproduce?

Most snails are hermaphrodites. This means that they are both male and female. All hermaphroditic snails can lay eggs. They can "mate" with themselves and thus only one can reproduce in an aquarium or pond. They also breed sexually as often as possible. Most snails lay eggs but some, like the trapdoor snail, give live birth. Trapdoor snails and a few other species of snails (apple, golden inca, four horned, etc.) are not hermaphrodites. They can only reproduce sexually.

What culture eats snails?

Snails are eaten by people and other animals

How do you make snails?

Get to snails [same breed] put them in a tank with wet soil plenty of greens and in 1-2 week's they will mate and lay eggs