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A knee injury can be very serious, and recovery can take a long time. To speed up recovery, one can do many things including resting the knee by elevating it and providing support, ensuring not to put any weight on it. Drinking lots of milk can also help in tissue production if the knee was torn. Ice can also be important to prevent swelling.

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Knee pain can result from an injury either from a fall, a car accident or pivoting the wrong way while playing certain sports. The pain occurs due to a stretching of the ligaments and/or tendons. Treatment is usually in the form of the acronym R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation), medications and, if necessary, alternative medicine.


Take a break from work and school, especially repetitive activities or activities that require putting weight on the knee. Resting the knee about one to two weeks will help to reduce inflammation and prevent further damage.


Apply ice, or an ice pack, to the injured knee for about 10 to 20 minutes three times a day or as prescribed by a physician. Avoid leaving the ice on longer then the prescribed time since this can cause possible damage to the nerves and skin.


Apply an elastic or compression bandage around the knee to stabilize, support and maintain knee alignment. This will not only promote healing but also prevent fluid from building in the tissues. Make sure the bandage is tight but not so snug as to curtail circulation in the leg.


Elevate the injured leg by placing either one or two pillows under the knee. Elevating the knee also helps to reduce swelling and drain fluid away from the tissues.


Take any medications prescribed by a physician to help reduce pain. For knee pain, physicians usually recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Report any medication side effects, such as nausea, vomiting or shortness of breath, to the physician immediately or seek emergency care.


Use alternative methods, such as acupuncture, to relieve knee pain when traditional medicine has not been successful. The treatment involves placing acupuncture needles along the meridians of the body to help release endorphins, which relieve pain. When finding an acupuncturist, make sure you choose a professional who has obtained formal training from a creditable institution as well as certification or state licensure.

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Knee pain is the most common complaint among frequent runners. Running is really good for your heart, but hard on your body! Sometimes, knee pain can be caused by wearing worn-out shoes. Try replacing your shoes or using a different brand. You may also be experiencing pain due to the running surface you are using. Try finding a grassy area to run on as pavement causes more force to the body.

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You can find information on managing chronic pain from a knee injury though numerous sources. There is the net, books, magazines, and better yet, talking to a physician.

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There is a wide variety of symptoms and causes of severe knee pain. Besides a sudden injury or overuse of the injured knee, the pain can be attributed to bursitis, gout, and arthritis. Regardless of the condition, medical attention should be sought with knee pain.

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RICE. Rest Ice Compression Elevation

How should you treat a knee injury if no doctor?

RICE. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

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Most causes of knee pain respond well to conservative treatments and resolve within 4-6 weeks. Knee pain caused by injury or disease may require surgery and lengthy rehabilitation.

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Pressing the Spleen 9 points located below the kneecap on the inside of each leg relieves knee pain.

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It is best to identify where the pain is coming from. For an iliotibial injury, you will usually notice that the pain is coming from the outside of your leg. Anywhere from your knee, all the way to your hip.

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