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Well, first the plant can eat the rock and digestion will break it down. Or, the plant can throw it into outer space where it will explode from gassy bubbles.

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Q: How can plants chemically change rocks into soil?
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Why rocks form to soil?

Rock do NOT "form to soil". Rocks (At the surface) are eroded chemically and mechanically and the products of this erosion form soil (together with biological humus).

What is wheatering?

weathering is the breaking down of rocks to form soil. it can be caused physically chemically or biologically. physically by ice, water, and other physical conditions chemically by solution, carbonation, hydration etc.. and biologically by human activities, animals or even plants

Do plants change soil?

the roots of the plants displaces the soil, spreading it around! plants also change the make up of the soil as the decay within the soil.

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How do rocks change in to soil?


Do igneous rocks change into soil?

Yes,igneous rocks are also changed into soil.But they take millions of years to change into soil

How do mosses change rocky areas so other plants can grow?

because mosses help break down rocks into soil.

Can plants grow on chemically polluted soil?

yes, but it will take them soo long to grow

How do the weathered rocks change into fertile soil?

The soil that formed from the rock is not fertile.the fertility of the soil is increased when plants and death animals and death animal mix with it. agriculturist enrich the soil by adding cow dung and green leaves

Why is volcanic soil good for growing plants?

Volcanic soil is good for growing plants because the soil that forms from volcanic rocks contain nutrients that many plants need to grow.

Which of the following is composed of weathered rocks and decomposed organic material from dead plants and animals?

The answer is Soil!

how does soil forms from rocks?

Lichen dies and create organic material and soil ,which plants grow new soil anyways