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Q: How can the food you eat affect your carbon footprint?
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How do foods you eat affect your carbon footprint?

By eating different foods, we will be changing the food chain, effecting the enviornment.

Does food contribute to global warming?

Most food has a carbon footprint. This means that the production, transport and even cooking release some carbon emissions. If you eat apples that are grown on the other side of the world, that apple has a small global footprint from all the transport that carried it from its tree to your mouth. If you eat an apple that grew in your garden then its carbon footprint is very small (fertiliser, water), or even neutral.

What is the carbon footprint of a dog?

Having a medium sized dog as a pet has the same carbon footprint as running two SUVs, or four-wheel drives. This is largely because of the amount of meat they eat.

What is global warming and how does the production of food contribute to it?

Global warming is the rising temperature all over the world, caused largely by the burning of coal oil and natural gas (the fossil fuels), which puts carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, and extra carbon is causing global warming. Most food has a carbon footprint. This means that the production, transport and even cooking release some carbon emissions. If you eat apples that are grown on the other side of the world, that apple has a global footprint from all the water and fertilizer used to grow it and transport that carried it from its tree to your mouth. If you eat an apple that grew in your garden then its carbon footprint is very small (fertilizer, water), or even neutral.

Is it better to eat locally produced food the food made outside your?

It is better to eat local food than food that has traveled a far distance. The best food is the kind that is available in the locality where you live. This is because of the higher nutritional content of the food, as well as how there is less carbon footprint in not having to send the food a far distance.

What meat is better to eat for a low carbon footprint?

If you want to eat an animal with a low carbon footprint there are several things you need to consider: # The distance the food has travelled from where the animal was raised (and then slaughtered) to where you are. For example, I live in London, there are lots of sheep in the UK, if I ate British Lamb I can be fairly sure that it has a lower carbon footprint than New Zealand lamb. # The amount of energy expended during it's lifetime to keep it alive. It takes proportionally a great deal more energy to raise a cow than it does a sheep or a chicken. I believe beef is one of the least efficient ways to turn plants into energy. So, to eat an animal with a low carbon footprint you need to find something that is sourced locally and preferably not raised using inefficient farming methods. I would suggest that line-caught fish (if you live near the sea) or free range chicken (locally sourced) would be a good option for you.

How science affect the food you eat and buy?

it affect humans

How does the food we eat affect our climate?

by what it does to our body

How do the 4 seasons affect the food you eat?

yes the food we eat is different in every season so there-for it affects the food we eat

How does carbon get back into the air from the food you eat?

when your food is converted into energy carbon dioxide is added to the blood stream and from there is exhaled out. i.e. when you breathe, oxygen in- carbon out

Where do animals obtain carbon?

From the plants or animals they eat.

Do baby gorillas eat food that contains carbon dioxide?

No .