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The society should be educated on the cases of the transsexual women so that they treat them just like others with a knowledge of these cases that exist.

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Q: How can transsexual women get others to treat them like they are in the cisgender community not the transgender community?
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Are transsexual really women?

Transgender women are real in terms of them existing. If one is asking about whether they are genuine women or not is up to personal interpretation. Some would consider them as being on par with non-transgender (cisgender) women, while others would consider them valid members of their own separate gender. Then of course there are people who do not think positively about transgender women.

How can you get people to stop shortening transgender and transsexual to the word trans and lumping them together?

You can educate others on the importance of using accurate terms and language to respect the diversity within the transgender community. Encourage using correct terminology and explain the differences between transgender and transsexual identities to help people understand the distinction. Promoting inclusivity and sensitivity when discussing gender identities can help prevent the oversimplification of these terms.

Where can one find a gay Romeo?

Gay Romeo is an online community of gay, bisexual, and transgender men for chatting and meeting with others with similar interests. The community can be accessed through their website.

What is a transgender?

A "transgender" is a way to say "transgendered person." It is not a term for a "transsexual" person (someone born with the need to get corrective genital surgery). There are various definitions of transgender and they are adjectives: they describe people as in "That person is transgendered." One definition is based on the idea that gender is not black and white, boy/girl, 1 or 0. In this definition, no one is all of anything, everyone is a mix, and there are even times in life where the %'s change based on the need of the individual. Look at prison life: most of the individuals that go in and come out are heterosexual, but while in prison the power struggle and lack of available females apparently cause a lot of homosexual behavior but the basic orientation still remains heterosexual. Transgendered in this case means that a person doesn't think they (or just doesn't) fit society's binary system. In the end, this definition of transgender would explain people's behavior better than the "male/female" only theory. Another definition is someone who deliberately lives in a way opposed to their physical sex. For example, if a person is born with female genitalia and wants to keep it, but expresses and feels that they are a boy mentally, then they are transgender. Transsexual and transgender is not the same thing since the term transsexual is only applicable to those born with a need to correct their genitals, while most transgender people desire to keep their original genitalia. A person is born with transsexualism, and after surgery, they are no longer transsexual, and have never been transgendered. It is a hurtful myth to say that a person becomes transsexual after surgery. The whole idea of the surgery is to stop having transsexualism and to get on with life as if they never had the condition. Transgender usually means someone who born one biological sex, but doesn't feel like they fit into that category, but who rarely get surgery. Transgender individuals usually do not identify with their biological sex. Transgender and transexual are two different categories because most transgender people do not have surgery to physically change their sex. Transsexuals are in the process of physically changing their sex. Transgender has more to do with how the individual identifies themselves (gender identity) rather than biological sex. Another definition is political in nature and refers to anyone who considers themselves as different in terms of sex or gender. Many transsexual persons refuse to be lumped in with the TG Community, but others like nonop TG persons or see political value in working together. The term transsexual relates to persons who have a gender (mental description) that is the opposite of the physical sexual organs of birth. This group is assigning the word transsexual to describe the state of having a gender that doesn't match your physical sex. In these cases, societies believe that gender and sex only come in 2 flavors, male/man female/woman. They ascribe to the idea that there are only these 2 modalities. A transsexual woman is not transgender because she was supposed to have a vagina. She was born with a female brain, and a feminine soul, and was supposed to be born with a vagina. But a typical transgender woman was really supposed to be born with a penis and live as a man, as evidenced by their lack of need for surgery.

Do you die younger if you are transgender?

Sadly, yes, this seems to be the case. Transgender folks are more likely to be the victims of homicide, suicide, overdose, medical mishaps, and medical neglect at the time of an accident. Let's examine each of these factors.Homicide -- Transgender and transsexual people, and especially if male-to-female are more likely to suffer bigotry and discrimination because of their gender identity or condition. The motives for homicide vary. Some just hate such a person. Sometimes the transperson is just a convenient victim. Perhaps the transgender person is trying to drown out their sorrows with alcohol or drugs, and others around them, perhaps also under the influence, see them as a convenient victim. Sometimes the actions of the transfolks are seen as contributing, though nobody asks to be crime victims. Sometimes the attackers have a moment of "gay panic," particularly if the transperson in question has their original genitalia. However, criminals have been known to choose transfolks as victims and then feign a gay panic response.Suicide -- Transgender and transsexual folks tend to have it harder in life than a lot of other people. But that depends on the exact transgender or transsexual person. It is insulting to assume that every transgender or transsexual person is having a hard time, and it is condescending to assume they need a rescuer or savior. However, for those who are having a hard time of it, they are more likely to commit suicide than cisgender people. There are likely times when what appears to be transgender suicide is actually murder.Overdose -- Like other troubled people, those who are also transgender or have transsexualism are more likely to overdose on drugs. It isn't just illegal drugs, but even legal things such as prescribed medications.Medical problems -- There are some who take excessive female hormones, and while that is not immediately fatal, that can lead to liver disease and blood clots, and those conditions can contribute to death. They may be more likely to suffer other substance abuse problems too.Professional and Medical Neglect -- This has happened several times in Washington, DC. What happens it that a transgender person or a pre-op transsexual woman gets into an automobile accident. She's losing blood at the scene and yet firefighters and paramedics refuse to act. This could be due to hatred for transsexual women and transgender persons, homophobia, excessive disease panic, etc. Often they may start to rescue the person and then one of the rescuers cut off their pants, discover that their physical sex is male (despite their feminine gender identity and social role of a woman), and then they stop or delay any rescue attempts. At least once, the paramedics and firemen stood around and joked about the transwoman's genitalia. She got to the hospital just in time because an angry mob demanded that the rescuers do their jobs. However, she experienced the same delay and/or refusal of care in the hospital, and died.However, transsexual and transgender folks also suffer other types of neglect. For instance, they may neglect their own care. The reasons vary. They could be poor, they could be saving for surgery, and they might realize that the doctors won't treat them well. Those are the same factors that LGBT folks face. Plus there is the mistreatment that such patients get when they do need to get things done. They may be subject to unnecessary medical tests, given unnecessary genital exams (perhaps to humiliate them), and they are often not taken seriously by their doctors. Thus there may be a greater chance of potentially fatal medical mistakes being made.

Can you know shemales after birth directly?

The word you want to use is "transgender," not "shemale," which is porn terminology. And no, you can't usually tell at birth. Transgender people are almost all born with normal-looking genitalia, and nobody does an MRI at birth, which might tell us something (some transgender people might differ in brain structure from cisgender people of the same apparent sex). Many transgender people know there is something not quite right early on in life, at the point where little girls and boys start to recognize some things about their gender. Other transgender people realize during puberty that something doesn't feel right. And yet others discover why they've always felt uncomfortable with their gender even later in life. When I said that you can't usually tell at birth, it is because there are so-called "intersex" people who might have a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that do not allow the baby to be distinctly identified as male or female. But not all intersex people later identify as transgender.

Why do you like transsexuals?

People who date transsexual persons and non-op transgender types do so for a number of reasons. Some just find them attractive, regardless of the body. For others, they might like non-op TG types because they want gay sex without the associated stigma. Some think they like transsexual persons when it is the non-op TG types that they like instead, since such admirers prefer male parts on their women, when TS women simply want them gone and the same life as if they were born with a vagina.

Where is the best place to meet an American transsexual?

There really isn't. A transsexual woman is a woman born wrongly into a male body, and they hate that body, and nearly every genuine MtF transsexual person will eventually go on to get the surgery to stop being a transsexual (FtM TS guys have less satisfactory options and often only get up to 2/3 of their procedures). That is the goal of the transition, to stop having transsexualism and to "cure" it if you will. That is not the same as recreational MtF transgenderism where healthy men choose to vary their gender and create difference where it previously never existed, or only existed in subtle amounts. So if a person genuinely has transsexualism, they will want their original parts gone and want to blend into the world of cisgender people, and they won't want others to know. It is not about shame, but about doing what is natural and living in the *same* level of privilege that everyone born in the correct gender has. Just because some "birth defect" stole things from you, it doesn't mean society has a right to compound that damage, create double standards for you, and deprive you of your natural needs that are the same as others of your corrected gender. Now, what you might be looking for are male-born nonop transgender persons. The men in drag with their penises exposed in pornographic magazines rarely have transsexualism. The pornographic industry misuses the term transsexual to refer to some fictional "third gender" and blurs gender lines, when that has nothing to do with diagnosed transsexualism. Since what you are looking for are more likely to be gay men who dress in drag, the best place to look would be in gay clubs.

Are queer and gay the same thing?

Not exactly. Gay refers to a person that is attracted to others of the same sex. Queer is a more general term that encompasses all people who identify as something other than cisgender heterosexual people.Also, it's important to note that not everyone in the LGBT community identifies as queer. When in doubt, ask.

Why do men have transgender surgery?

When a guy turns to a girl, it's called transgender or transsexual. When one transitions, they have known that they were whatever gender they transition to in their mind. One then wants others to see them how they see themselves so they will come out as transgender. Some will like the opposite gender after they transition, or they will like the same gender. Males that change to females often take oestrogen inducers to raise their voices. Some will also get chest implants along with a genitalia surgery. It's also polite to call one by their wanted pronouns, (he/him/his) (her/she/hers) or neutral (them/they/their).

How can you delete community page created by others?

You cannot delete community page which are created by others. If the community page is harming you or the society you can report the page as scam. Yeh its true that you can't delete community page which are created by others.

Is a transgender woman a guy?

Define real. A "she-male" is most often a person born with both male parts and xy chromosomes; the person either has breast implants or gets hormones to grow breasts and reduce male characteristics (beard etc), in defining a she-male most cases they do not have genital reconstruction surgery so they still have a penis (and in some cases it still works like normal) so, no they are not a female. You are probably mistaking a she-male for a transgendered woman (not to be confused with a transsexual woman). The word female should never be used after the word transgender. They are women but can never be female. Being female means having XX chromosomes and a vagina. A transgender person is anyone who is gender variant. Such a person may live as the other sex and never get corrective surgery, or they may consider themselves as part of a continuum, where they are not completely one or the other. There is controversy about whether this includes those born with transsexualism who get the surgery and seek to eliminate it. The transgender and LGBT lobby says they are, because that would be politically convenient and artificially inflate their numbers, all while colonizing a group of people who have views they feel are inconvenient for them. As for those who call themselves transsexuals, they are divided. Some have no problem with being called transgender, while others still claim they have more in common with cisgender people than transgender or LGBT folks. So transgender is mostly a political label. A transsexual person was born with one set of male or female parts and often gets surgery on these to closely duplicate the organs of the opposite sex. They are a 'real' woman, nature just didn't give them parts to match their brain. They do not wish to be both or in between, they want to be one or the other. Transsexual persons never choose to be anything, it's something in their heads generally from birth. There are also intersexed persons who's birth sex organs were ambivalent or both (rare) and some have mixed sex chromosomes: some have XXY some XYY, some XXYY, a few are just X or Y. Science is learning that sex is more than parts or chromosomes or eve sex and chromosomes, or even sex AND chromosomes; the central nervous system also plays heavily into sex. Gender is more than parts also; it's been used synonymmous to sex, but for clarity it is more related to social role than physical sex.