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One of the biggest issues of verbal/emotional abuse is that since there is no visible sign, other people find it easier to believe that the victim is At Fault. This adds to the feelings of inadequacy for the victim since he/she needs to convince others of the problem in order to get help. This is next to impossible since not seeing/hearing or speaking of this sort of abuse is a societal norm. It doesn't have obvious effects as does a punch to the face, but calling someone derogatory names is a way to demean them, to show them what you feel their "value" is. Being told you're of low worth by someone who claims to love you is a terrible blow to the self esteem. Wh*re and slut are names used usually to degrade a woman, to view her as a cheap receptacle. It doesn't even have to be these names--c*nt, nonentity, worthless, failure are all names that are purposely used to devalue someone. So is calling someone these names justifiable, everyday behavior? Are these names something you would use on a total stranger in a public place, or someone who is more imposing physically than you? You wouldn't and you wouldn't like it if someone yelled that stuff at you either. Verbal abuse is sometimes hard to pinpoint. It can come on subtly but can have a profound effect never-the-less. You can gradually lose your self esteem which is in itself crippling. Losing all your defenses to a person can result in dire depression, guilt and anxiety. This is a torturous state of affairs. Do not take it lightly! Answer I have always had a problem with the statement "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." I believe that words create a deeper hurt than sticks and stones. Many people recover from the pain and trauma of physical injuries but psychological injuries can last for generations. The innocent minds of children are more vulnerable than that of adults to the emotionally debilitating effects of harsh words.

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It is because emotional abuse is harder to prove than physical abuse.

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Q: How can verbal or emotional abuse be considered as damaging as physical abuse?
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It's difficult to answer this question because apparently if a couple get into a disagreement and may call each other names in the heat of anger they are considered a verbal abuser. Not true! All couples have their good and bad times. If the verbal abuse is constant and they are trying to tear the person down and strip them of their dignity and independence THAT is emotional abuse. The rates are high (as is physical abuse) because there is more of a population and also more stress on people today. Be it verbal/physical abuse it strikes the rich/poor, and any race.

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