

How can you be a scene kid?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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i guess im what you could call a scene kid(: so i can answer this. scene kids are confident but not so confident that they think their better than every other person on the planet. nobody is perfect, not even us scenies. hahah. for music, i would go with screamo, electriconica, etc. for the most part but really just listen to whatever you like. if you like rap, listen to rap. if you hate bring me the horizon, don't listen to them or act like you love them, if you don't know them, don't act like a big fan or like you know a bunch about them. that's being a poser. & give everything a chance, try to be diverse with music. but if you live by one genre, that's YOU.(: the hair, tease it up. for people with curly hair -like me- just straighten it, then wait a few days, THEN tease. you need the natural oils in your hair to help style it, otherwise it will just look ugly and when you comb it out its puffy. ;l eww. lol. umm, lets see...clothes. again, if your not comfortable wearing something, don't wear it. but for bottoms, i would go with only wearing skinny jeans, tutu's, capri's, and shorts. i wouldn't really do flared jeans. shirts, band shirts, graphic shirts, patterned shirts, its all good.(: now shoes, some good brands are converse, vans, osiris, and my fave, dc's. -if you didnt know, those are sneakers- but you could also wear Ballet flats or some cute, fashionable sandals.(: everything else, just be you. U d0NT H@v3 2 TyP3 LyK3 THi$ 2 B $c3N3. but if that's how you type, then whatever. just be you, and be unique, that's what being scene is all about.(:

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