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Either in relative or absolute terms. Relative would be in the form of a percentage of GDP or GNP and absolute would be in total dollars. Relative is a better indicator of debt but would still not provide a clear picture of past, present or future economic performance.

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Q: How can you compare US national debt to other countries?
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no national debt.

What is national debt in 2015?

It depends on what country you are referring to. Here are the top 6 countries that have the most external debt in US dollars. There are other countries that have a higher debt to GDP ratio though. The U.S. currently has a national debt around 17.5 trillion dollars. The United Kingdom has a national debt of around 10.1 trillion dollars. Germany has a national debt of around 5.7 trillion dollars. France has a national debt of around 5.3 trillion dollars. Japan has a national debt of around 3 trillion dollars. China has a national debt around 3 trillion dollars.

What countries has the least debt?

Switzerland and the Vatican

What countries hold the most of the USA national debt?

I know factually who holds our biggest debt; that would be China

Since America has such a national debt why don't we collect the money that these other countries owe us?

That's like asking why we don't pay our OWN national debts. Every country has a debt to some other country, and that's what ultimately makes the worlds economy relatively stable. We can't collect debt from a country that has no money...

What is the public debt?

The public debt is the debt that the United States government owes to other countries.

What was the national debt in 1791?

the national debt was something used to create national debt

What occurs when the US buys more products from other countries than it sells?

This creates a deficit in the balance of trade, and results in US currency credits being transferred to other countries. This can increase the foreign obligations included in the national debt.

National debt in 2003?

What was the national debt in 2003?

What is the amount national debt in Peru?

$350,000,000 in national debt

What is the US national debt?

The US National Debt is nearly $16,963,703,000, or 16.9 trillion dollars.

If you have debt in UK will it be recovered in India?

The answer is yes but it will depend on the amount of debt you have. A lot of countries have agreements with each other to make it possible for debt to be recovered