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Can you be more specific? Did you mean "how do i know whats body fat and whats muscle" cause when you work out and gain muscles you might weigh more because muscles weigh a lot so don't be discouraged if you step on the scale a your 2 pounds heavier. I would watch it if you haven't been working out. The best thing to do for weight loss is exersizing and weight-training. Lifting weights builds muscles and muscles help burn fat through out the day while your taking a nap or talking on the phone! So a combonation of running/swimming/sports 3-5 days a week, watching your diet (meaning no sugars or fastfood) and things like crunches/leg lifts/squats and push-ups will all play a huge part in losing body fat. (also drinking 3-5 glasses of water a day will help. Its also zero calorie's)

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Q: How can you determine your body fat?
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How do you determine your percentage of body fat?

To determine your percentage of body fat at home, obtain some plastic body fat calipers and do a simple skin fold test. Body fat calipers are not expensive and they are readily available to buy. If you are female, your percentage of body fat should probably be about 15 to 20% for good health. For males the percentage of body fat should probably be about 10 to 15% for good health.

What is often used to determine an individual's percentage of body fat?


Is there a way that I can determine at home what my body fat percentage is?

The most common way to measure body fat percentage at home is through the use of calipers. Calipers are tools that "pinch" your body fat in different areas of your body and provide a body fat percentage estimate based on those measurements.

What are the main techniques for measuring body fat percentage?

The main technique for measuring body fat percentage involves measuring your body. One online body fat determine suggests that you measure your weight, hips, waist, wrist, and forearm. You can find the calculator here:

What is used to determine an individual's percentage of body fat?

Use calipers for an accurate measurement.

What is the easiest procedure for determining fat?

You can use body fat calculator for dertermining of your body fats because it is most easiest way to determine your body fats. These type of measuring insturments are easily available in market.

Is 230 pounds fat for somebody 6'1?

"Fat" and "Above Average Weight" are not the same. To determine if a person is fat requires a medical examination and the determination of the ratio between fat and muscle in the body. Calcukations for BMI (Body Mass Index) would be done.

How much body fat should a 33-year-old woman have?

As a female, your percentage of body fat should be about 15 to 20% for good health. (For males the percentage of body fat should be about 10 to 15% for good health.) To determine your percentage of body fat at home, obtain some plastic body fat calipers and do a simple skin-fold test. Body fat calipers are not expensive, are readily available to buy, and can replace a scale or balance.

What things to do to loss body fat?

Don't determine yourself if you need to "lose body fat" then embark on a plan you've read about or invented. Some fat is requires and some types of fat are essential. Some fat buildup is due to medical conditions which should be treated. See a doctor first.

How do you use the body mass index to determine your fat?

Measuring your body mass cannot directly determine your overall body fat. BMI, or Body Mass Index, is designed to determine a healthy weight of a person based on their overall height, age and gender. The reason this index cannot determine your precise body fat is that individuals as the same height with the same BMI may have different body types resulting in the same weight. Overall BMI assists with determining a healthy weight but cannot actually measure you in muscle or fat.

Can you spot reduce fat?

no, not by diet and exercise. only surgery spot reduces fat. Through diet and exercise you can reduce fat, but your body and your body alone will determine where and when to reduce it. i.e. dieting and only doing sit-ups will not cause you to lose fat primarily around your abs

Why you determine fat content?

you are determine to have fat content when you are physical fat and you could also know that you have fat content when you eat too much junk food like french fries, burgers, and other friend foods. To help a person to lost fat they could exercise, eat salad ,because salad is good for health and it helps you to lose weight on your body.