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No, as even the oldest rocks of the Earth's crust have undergone at least some remelting since the first accretion of the planet.

Modern science usually uses various forms of radiometric dating (uranium-lead, potassium-argon and rubidium-strontium are the methods most commonly used for dating rocks) in an attempt to determine the age of minerals in the earth's crust.

However these will usually be used to find the date of crystallisation of a mineral. Many of the rocks forming the crust of the earth will have been remelted at some point during the geologic history of the early earth which effectively acts to reset the radiometric dating clock.

As such the oldest crustal rocks currently known have been dated as around 4.28 billion years of age in Northern Quebec, Canada, along the Hudson's Bay coast, 40 km south of Inukjuak.

And the oldest terrestrial material discovered on Earth to date is a zircon crystal found in Western Australia within a metamorphic gneiss which was part of the Narryer Gneiss Terrane. It has been dated at 4.404 Ga (4.404 billion years old) although the rock itself is younger than this.

However the Earth is estimated to be 4.567 billion years old. These estimates come from chondritic meteorites found on Earth.

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13y ago
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9y ago

The evidence is mainly from radioactive decay - measuring the ratio of different elements and isotopes. Do some reading on "radioactive dating" or "radiometric dating" for more details - for example, in the Wikipedia.

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11y ago

Well study really hard and test the earth and some experiments ♥

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