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If it is there lawfully, it will remain until it has reached the SOL for reporting which is 7 years.

UPDATE: Actually, you can force Equifax, Experian and TransUnion to remove a Repo from your credit report and you can do it legally using a federal law that is in place. Credit Bureaus MUST have "verifiable proof" of the "repo" in their files if they are going to report the negative item on your report. The dirty little secret the credit bureaus don't want you to know is that they do not have any "verifiable proof" in their files for any of the negative items on your credit report. The bank that held the auto loan that you defaulted on may have this information on file but the credit bureaus don't. If you request the credit bureau to provide you with the "verifiable proof" that they have in their files they will have to remove the negative from your file because they do not have it in their files.

Not only can you get a repoLegally Removed from your credit report but you can also get Bankruptcy, Foreclosures, Default Judgments, Tax Liens, Repos, collections etc...all removed. All negatives no matter how bad, how many or how recent ... they all can be removed legally!

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Q: How can you get a repossesion off your credit report?
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How long does an auto repossesion stay on your credit report?

Negative reports on your credit score remain on your report for seven years.

How does car repossesion affect credit score?

A repossession can drastically hurt your credit score. The repossessed account may report late payments (30, 60, 90 days late), a pad due balance, and a charge-off. A repossession can lower your credit score anywhere from 30 to 200 points depending on the other accounts reporting on your credit report.

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Usually it is automatic, but it never hurts to double check.

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i need to get a repossession off my credit report

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If Its off your credit report ,and rental history you can stop clamming today!

Does paying off a deficency on a repossesion take it off your credit as a repo?

NO. What this will do is satisfy the debt only. This will show in favor on your credit, but it will still show as a repo. You are better off paying the debt. If you are doing this, make sure to have them issue a satifaction of debt letter to the credit bureaus. This will increase your score.

What should you do to get paid collections off your credit report?

If the account is legitimately yours, then you cannot legally have it removed from your credit report. However, if you paid the collection account off, it should be reported as paid on your credit report. Still, the accounts will not be removed from your credit report for 7 years.

How do you get bankruptcy off your credit report?

A bankruptcy will remain on a credit report for the required ten years, it cannot be removed arbitrarily.

Can you remove a repossession off your credit report if your cosigner has a judgment on the repossession?

No you cannot remove a repossession off your credit report if your cosigner has a judgement on the repossession.

How can you get your chapter 7 bankruptcy off your credit report?

It should rotate off of your credit report about 7 years after being discharged. It cannot be removed.