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Pugs have wrinkles because that is their sign of what breed they are. Just like sharpeis, pugs have wrinkles to control body temperature. Just because they have folds of loose skin doesnt mean they are underweight. The fatter the pug the more health problems they have.

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Q: How can you get my pug fat. he still have a lot of skin to be filled in.?
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What is between the skin and the muscle?

little bit of fat, but you are reffering to someone fat, theres a lot of phat. =P

Which layer of skin is true skin?

The dermis is often called the true skin. It has a layer over it called the epidermis and one below it that has a lot of fat cells. That is called the subcutaneous layer. (cutaneous means skin).

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Because the skin stretched itself to go over all the fat. If they loose all the chubbyness in one lot really fast, that's when the skin becomes loose, because it hasn't had time to make itself smaller again. All the fat is just gone, but the skin still remains, mind you the loose skin doesn't stay they're forever.

If you weight a lot will a have sags of fat when weight is loss?

well that is a yes and a no answer. if you are toneing while you are working out no you will not have sagging skin. but is you are not toneing wile you are working out yes you will have sagging skin

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Only the "light" versions of cream cheese are healthy; the regular versions still contain a lot of fat and a lot of saturated fat. Luckily, light versions taste just the same.

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Yes coconut does have a lot of fat 133 grams of fat is in a coconut.

Will you lose weight if you only eat non-fat candy?

No. Most hard candy is fat-free but it still contains a lot of sugar and calories so it is not good for you. Fruit is healthier and still has that sweet taste.

How can I easily get fat?

eAT a lot of unheathly foods with a lot of fat in them. That will probaly help a lot.

Why shouldn't you east fast food?

If you eat fast od A LOT (I ate a lot during last summer and didn't get fat surprisingly lol) YOU WILL GET FAT like those ladies that have the skin on there legs hanging off of them uugggghhhh -shivers- I hope that woun't happen to me...

Is it normal to be able to feel the bar bell of your navel piercing through the skin when you run your finger across it or does that mean it is migrating?

People that dont have a whole lot of body fat sometimes have to get their navel pierced "shallow", which means that not a lot of skin was pierced through. In these circumstances, it is normal to feel the bar through the skin.

If you are 15 and you have six pack abs under a layer of skin but you used to be large as a child is this fat on your stomach if it is toned?

Your six pack can be covered by skin and/or fat. Many times, what sits on our stomach has a lot to do with our genes and our habits. Generally, we pick up fat-laying qualities from our parents and/or our relatives. When we work out, we can tone the muscles and use stored fat from anywhere in our bodies but this may or may not affect the fat on our stomach. Working our stomach muscles won't tone loose skin either -- this is heavily influenced by our genes. Hope this helps.

What food did the pacific northwest Indians eat in the winter?

they used to eat polar bear skin because the polor bear have a lot of fat in his body.