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There are numerous things that are available nowadays to help get rid and even conceal red marks "scarring" left over from mild acne. The most powerful and effective is dermabrasion. (A dermatologist will exfoliate your upper dermis to help rid you of scars and create a more even skin tone). You can purchase at home kits (not as effective, but WAY cheaper and gentler to the skin). Using Skin Care products that promote evening out of the complection is also a good start. Concealers that have a green under tone help rid your skin of redness while waiting for your face to improve. ( ask the cosmetics dept). Last but not least, time will eventually improve your skin"s tone with proper care. You will also want to avoid alcohol, acids, and chemical solutions. Alcohols, salicylic acid, Retina-A, and benzoyl peroxide, actually dry the skin; and because they are synthetic, acne-causing bacteria become immune to the chemically created solutions. Why? Because chemical solutions are created to treat the type of bacteria they sought to treat that was in existence when the solutions were made. Unfortunately, bacteria are living organisms and they learn to mutate quickly. When mutation occurs, salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide fail. They also are harsh on the skin and create more scars.

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16y ago

don't use clothing that irritates your skin, put some alcohol on the pimples, so that they dry, and put some cream for irritated skin on the scars, they won't work right away, but after a couple of days they will start vanishing, but because of my experience, there is no way to get rid of them completely. don't use clothing that irritates your skin, put some alcohol on the pimples, so that they dry, and put some cream for irritated skin on the scars, they won't work right away, but after a couple of days they will start vanishing, but because of my experience, there is no way to get rid of them completely.

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16y ago

I'd suggest using soap that helps fight against acne or you can just wait it out; until it goes away. Be sure to not scratch it though. . .that'll just make it worse.

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Q: How can you get rid of the scars left on your face from where pimples used to be?
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You have pimples? Me too! When i was in middle school i had a really clear face and once i started high school i began to get some pimples and now i have more especially on my forehead and chin, but they're small and there are scars now because i used to pop them and i don't know how to get rid of those little scars, and i found out that its mostly because i touch my face because i find them so annoying. what do i do to get rid of previous scars and the ones i have now?help in need of clear skin again.

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Justin uses proactive 4 his pimples in fact he is going 2 b the new face of proactive so b on the lookout :)

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"All surgeries potentially leave scars. There are ways to try and hide them best by aligning them behind other facial structures or in natural crevices and such, but they are always visible to the careful examiner. Makeup or laser techniques can be used to minimize their effect."

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Dermablend quick fix is a concealer used for pimples, acne, acne scars and hyperpigmentation. This beauty product helps where a normal concealer does not.

What is the best thing to put on pimples?

Hey there! Well, to get rid of pimples, first you have to wash your face day and night. You should see a decrease in pimples between 3-7 weeks. I would recommend to buy special facial soap to use when you wash your face to make the pimples go away faster. Well, I hoped that helped!

What is the easiest but fast way to get rid of pimples overnight including scars?

Umm well it improves very well overnight, but it doesnt completing clear! what you do is put TOOTHPASTE on the scars and pimples, leave it there for about an hour, and wash it off. Now washing it off is very difficult because it is toothpaste which is very sticky and likes to be glued to your face. I havent quit figured out how to wash it off I usually just use a washcloth but it can be very difficult. The toothpaste, i prefer a mint kind because you can feel the mint sensation on your face, and you know that; that is helping your scars because it is opening them up to get air and breathe to grow new skin. OKAY now that you are all done put a mosturizer to get some oils back onto your face. I have done this but usually I put proactiv on after the toothpaste and dont put the mosturizer on till in the morning. but i do know that you have to use toothpaste because i use to just use proactiv and it wasnt getting rid of the scars as fast. But the toothpaste gets those pimples gone for sure. well if u put just the right amount on u dont have to wash it off cuz the toothpaste drys ur face up so no more come and i used to have pretty bad pimples and after a few days they were gone!and again if u put the right amount of it and rub a little bit of water and the minty smell is gone and if u put to much on it will be sticky and smell and ppl can see it so hope it helps!:D

Are there any home remedies on pimples?

There are many home remedies on pimples. The most basic remedy is ensuring that your face is always clean. Other ingredients that can be used include lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, honey and much more.

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You can make scars go away by putting lavender oil and aloe on them. Tea tree oil is also used to heal scars.

14 year and i got a boyfriend on the 15th we just got used to holding hands and huggingi dont know wat to do tomorrow i have school with him and have this pimple on my face wat do i do?

It's OK that you have a pimple on your face and have to go to school and see your boyfriend. It's normal for 14 year old people to have pimples. All people get pimples. Just laugh about it and say, do you like what found my face?

How do you create less acne and pimples?

Well.. everyone has different skin. I used to have alot of acne on my face and I didn't know why. I washed my face every day. But then I would start putting my hair back more often, and I would try and restrain myself from touching my face at all, and it went away. My acne was caused by this, because there was oil on my hair and hands. If this is not your problem, and you are washing your face every day, your acne may be caused by the product you are using. If you are washing with regular bar soap, it may be drying out your face TOO much.. causing your skin to want to produce even larger amounts of oil. Or you may not be using a product that is effective to your skin.If you have a pimple, DON'T pop it. Wash your face and let the pimple heal on its own. Popping your pimples could be causing MORE acne.. and even facial scars.

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