

How can you help a friend in a abusive relationship?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Don't encourage her to stay, but don't encourage her to leave either. It sounds crazy but it could backfire. If you encourage her to leave, it could draw her even closer to the abuser. I'm speaking from experience. But, if you encourage her to leave, that could be good too. Support her decision in whatever she decides but give her your opinion too. Don't strong arm her in the conversation. Let her talk to you and you listen. Be neutral. Just be her support when she needs in. The experience I've had with this, the friend ended up getting killed. She was encouraged to leave and discouraged to stay. She thought she could make him better. Call her and talk. BUT..don't always let the things you talk about be about her relationship. Take her shopping to get her mind off of the situation.

Hope this helps!

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