

How can you lose a pound without exercising?

Updated: 12/13/2021
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13y ago

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15 Weight Loss Tips That Are Evidence-Based, Say Experts — Eat This Not That

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Franklin hatchett

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2y ago
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13y ago

Usually you lose weight when you exericise, but you can also lose weight from maintaining a healthy diet.

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Q: How can you lose a pound without exercising?
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What exercise do you do to lose a pound a day?

There is no exercise that has the ability to make you lose a pound a day and if there was, it wouldn't be healthy to do so. Your body is sacred, treat it well by eating right and exercising on a daily basis.

How many pound does a anorexic that is 5foot5 and is a 170 pound lose a week?

It vaires per person and based on their own individual habits. If is it just an extreme diet, they may lose a pound every week or two. If they are intensely exercising and really restricting their food intake they may be able to lose a pound or two every week.

How can you lose 20 kg in one month without exercising?

Eat Mc Donald and sleep!

How do i lose weight without exercising?

In order to lose weight without exercising,Chew Thoroughly and Slow Down. Your brain needs time to process that you've had enough to eat.Use Smaller Plates for Unhealthy Foods.Eat Plenty of Protein.tore Unhealthy Foods out of Sight.Eat Fiber-Rich Foods.Drink Water Regularly.Serve Yourself Smaller Portions.Eat Without Electronic DistractionsEmail me for more ways to lose weight without any exercise.

How can a 219 pound woman lose weight fast?

Eat a balanced diet and exerciseregularly. Simple as that.

If you drink 8 glasses of water a day without exercising do you lose weight?

maybe, maybe not. it depends on how much you eat.

How can you lose weight out exercising?

There are plenty of ways of losing weight without working out. Some methods are: Sleeping in earlier, drinking dark coffee instead, Take Half to Go, No other liquids other than water. These are just a few of the many ways to lose weight without exercising.

How many pounds can you lose without eating for two weeks?

1 pound xD

How fast can you lose weight if you eat right and exercise every day?

It depends on how much you are eating and exercising. It also depends on your calorie deficit. If it's a 500 calorie deficit a day, you will lose a pound a week. If it's a 1,000 calorie deficit a day, you will lose two pounds. Add 500 to each day and you will lose an extra pound. But, it's not good to lose more than 3 pounds a week.

When you burn up calories by exercising how much will you lose?

It depends on the exercise. Some burn far more caloires than others do. After burning 3,500 more caloires than you consume, you will lose one solid pound of weight.

How can a 110.5-pound 12-year-old girl who is already dieting and exercising lose 5 pounds without starving herself?

If you are having problems losing the weight then all you have to do for about 3 weeks is to ride your bike 5 or 6 days a week. That and a healthy diet should do it!

Does exercise help lose fat?

Of course it does! What helped me lose weight watchers! I lost 20lbs in 2weeks no lie! That's without exercising! Imagine if you keep it up and exercise also! You can do it!