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You can't. Fast, maintainable weight lossis impossible. Achieving and maintaining your ideal weight requires adopting a healthy lifestyle- and maintaining it for the rest of your life. The change in weight will be slow but steady.

One thing you have to look out for is not eating. It doesn't work. Why? Because when you stop eating, you matabalism gets super slow, and then when you finaly eat again, you can start gaining a bunch of weight from salads, or bananas, as if they were chocolate or pie or cake.

Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, sufficent in lean protein and monunsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids. The majority of your plate should be either fruits or vegetables- at least 5 to 9 servings, depending on your caloric intake. Justify everything you eat: if something isn't nutritious, don't eat it. Replace high saturated fat milk with skim milk,; replace enriched wheat flour with whole wheat; substitute beef, lamb and pork for lean chicken, turkey and fish. Cut out fried foods or any food to which excessive fat, sugar or salt has been added. Eat to live, don't live to eat.

Exercise for at least 30-60 minutes a day, on most days, according to the American Heart Association. For weight loss, 60 to 90 minutes a day is preferable. And those times are for moderate intensity exercise that puts your heart rate at 50 to 85% of its maximum such as cycling, jogging or running- not sluggishly walking around the block.

Also, take care of yourself. Don't smoke, don't drink excessively, get plenty of rest and keep your stress manageable. Stay in touch with friends,family and other social contacts to remain happy.

That's it. That's the "secret" that health professionals have been yelling at Americans for decades. Chances are though, like most Americans, you'll ignore this, attempt some short term diet, maybe lose a little weight, stop the diet, and gain it all back. You don't want to give up your addiction to tasty junk, nor do you actually want to break a sweat- you'll choose diets that let you eat plenty of tasty foods, buy food that tries to pass itself off as nutritious and remain essentially sedentary. And like most Americans, you'll be overweight or obese, and likely die from disease that would have probably been prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle. It's your choice!

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Q: How can you lose weight really fast without diets or pills?
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