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One way of making the world a better place is to recycle!!

These landfill sites are getting bigger and worse, they are ruining our community!!

Recycling is the way foward!! So don't just sit there, do your part!!

Also, don't ever litter!! Just throw it in the trash can!!

What is even better than recycling is precycling. Precycling is basically stopping trash from being made instead of transforming trash into new materials. When new materials are made from trash, they are melted and/or burned to form the new material. The burning/melting process often produces pollution, and so using less materials is the best solution. So instead,

Be more waste-efficient!

Use less materials!

It also should save you money to use/buy less materials.

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14y ago
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11y ago

Do these for lowering your carbon footprint and thus help saving the environment:

Use less cars, less flights, less boat trips, use bio fuel for your car, cycle to places you can instead of driving or possibly sell your car away. Buy just the food you will eat and not throw rest of the meal away which you don't eat. Be sure that the food you buy is organic, produced near you, don't include gene manipulation, don't include food additives or herbicides. Possibly give up eating meat and become a vegetarian. At least lesser your usage of read meat, and eat chicken and fish instead. Don't eat endangered animals, like tuna fish. Recycle all your trash and never throw trash to the environment. Compost the biological waste. Get a compost toilet instead of water closet. Use less toilet paper than you have used. Live in a house not too big for you, don't keep the house too warm. Possibly lower the room temperature a few degrees from the normal. Warm up the house with firewood or burning trash if possible. Don't keep lights on for no reason and close them when you leave the house. Don't let television open if you don't watch it. Close all unnecessary things which spend power. Close television and computer properly and don't let them be in standby state.

Do these for making your own health better:

Don't even try any drugs ever. Quit smoking if you are smoking, never start, if you haven't. Stop drinking, or use just a glass of red wine once a week. Don't eat too much or too few, don't be fastidious about food. Eat healthy, avoid bad fat. Eat fish at least once a week. Eat salad in every meal, but don't use mayonnaise based dressing with it. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits and berries, a fistful of every day if possible. Eat regularly, always at the same time, no more than two warm meals in a day. Do some exercise, perhaps some sit-ups, push-ups and pull-ups every morning, and some practise for legs too. Remember to do the counter exercise for the opposite muscles, so for abs and for back muscles both. Stretch your muscles before and after the exercise. Run a little. Become breathless sometimes. Walk to the places you can. Always use stairs instead of elevator (maybe not in skyscrapers though). Sit less. Sit less on your home, on work, on school, everywhere. Change your work chair to ergonomic saddle chair, with no back rest and arm rests. If you have to sit all day at work, stretch after a few hours and take a walk sometimes. If you have to be on computer all day, keep a short brake in every hour. Keep the computer room bright, and the screen not the brightest possible. Once in a while remove your glance from the screen and look something which doesn't produce light. Keep a bowl of water next to the computer to make the air more humid, since looking from lightened screen dries your eyes after some time. Don't bring your work to home, don't work at home. Don't answer work calls, e-mails or other work related messages and don't think about your work at your free time. Don't be on computer on your free time too much. One hour in a day should be enough. Don't get addicted to Facebook and don't post too often. Once a day is maximum. Don't reveal too much in internet and don't trust strangers. Don't watch too much TV either and don't lay on the couch too all evening. Get a bed in which you sleep well, not too hard, but possibly a little harder rather than a soft bed. Don't use too much pillows, one is enough. Sleep enough, seven and a half hours every night. Follow regular sleep pattern, sleep at night and be awake at day. Take a short afternoon nap sometimes if you feel you need it. Try to remember your dreams at the morning and later too. Have fun and laugh often.

Do these for making your and everybody's life nicer:

Smile. Laugh to yourself before to others. Be nice to everyone. Don't hate anyone, instead try to understand their point of views. Be empathic and support those who don't do or feel so well. Take other people's ideas into consideration and respect others opinion. Respect other peoples cultural differencies and don't mock their habits. Try to get to know more people and get new friends. Say hello, good morning, good day and buy to everyone you know/meet. Use more the words thank you, I'm sorry and you're welcome. Love the people near you: your family, parents, siblings, your spouse, children and closest friends. Tolerate your neighbours and say at least hello to them. Visit your grandparents or parents regularly, don't forget the elderly people. Phone them once in a while. Send letters sometimes. Send Christmas cards and other cards if you like. Be with your children when they are young. Play with them and do things they want to do, but keep sure that they go to school. Kiss your husband/wife every day and once in a while tell that you love him/her. Spend time with him/her, just the two of you together. Share the housework equally. Don't cheat. Don't lie, be honest. Say everything you mean, but nothing you don't mean. Don't be mean. Don't get mad. Let everyone else say what they need to say. Listen to people and have conversations with them. Tell every person you love, that you love them while you still can.

If you can do all these, you have completed the purpose of life, and you are the best person on Earth. Remember to have fun and don't become depressed by the sheer amount of things you can do to make the World better. Start with something and proceed from that. :)

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9y ago

volunteer at local animal shelters or hospitals. pick up trash on the ground. donate to charity . help out at a local retirement home. enjoy your life while u have it because life doesn't last forever

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13y ago
  1. the day every body will have a fair share of the commonwealth of nature then the world will be a better place.

  2. when every body would have known his or her right and knows the right thing and does that

  3. when there will be no tribal difference: no race,no color of skin ,eyes nor hair

  4. when there is no minority nor majority

  5. when no body produces offensive weapons and instigate the other to fight so as to sell the weapons,then the world will be a better place

  6. When disease and poverty no longer exist.

  7. Foul language would disappear.
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15y ago

By helping yourself first. Help recycle cans, bottles and newspapers in your local area. Help or join community servers or world wide eco-helpers. Save energy in your household, like turning off some of your lights when your not using them. And avoid using substances that harm your environment.

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11y ago

There are lots of ways to help other people. For example, we can donate money and goods to the victims of the recent calamities and natural disasters that have struck many people and have wiped out their source of livelihood. Through our efforts of supporting them, praying for them, helping them to stay courageous and giving them Eason to hope - these are the particular ways of helping other people.

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15y ago

Well, first off, there are very few people with the luck, vision, or power to "make the world.." anything. You're more likely to see some success if you just concentrate on the world around YOU - your immediate environment. Unfortunately, the world is not fair. The universe is not fair. Nature is not fair. Sometimes things happen by pure happenstance, as its called. However, that is not to say that certain things are MADE unfair by people's actions - using force or extortion to get an advantage in some situation, for example. So I'd suggest that you do what you can to make sure that there are no laws,prohibitions, regulations or other 'artificial' barriers to equal opportunity - that is how certain types of people make things 'unfair' - they tilt the deck in their favor. Exclusionary labor laws, ridiculous licensing standards to protect established guilds, things like this are what make the world "unfair". If every one has an equal OPPORTUNITY to succeed, then you'd be suprised at how 'fair' life would be. However, remember that you can't build up one person by knocking down another.

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6y ago

Show love and kindness to others, no matter who they are.

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15y ago

Think small. Don't give up.

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