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change your number and don't give out to anyone that knows him and then avoid him at all cost if you see him around ignore and go about your normal day like he doesn't exist or ask him what is his problem and then tell him to leave you alone you don't want anything to do with him! Talk to a judge or attorney and get a restraining order. If you feel there is any threat of violence, explain that to the judge and there is little doubt that the restraining order will be awarded. After that, if he violates any part of the restraining order he can be arrested.

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Q: How can you make your ex leave you alone and quit trying to make up excuses to contact you if one time he is verbally abusive and the next time he is so in love with you and wants to work things out?
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Is it possible to have a relationship where your partner is verbally abusive occassionally over stupid things?

Yes. Verbal abuse is when someone says something to you that you can't say back to them. It's not what some calls's what you answer to.

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#1. he is your husband and you need to respect him if he verbally abuseve then i would sugest to talk to him about it never hide things from your husband talk it over and if still does not listen then do something about it....and you know what i mean if he really loves you he will change

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It does often happen that people will learn how to get their way through verbal aggression, from their own experiences of being verbally abused. Life is an endless learning experience, but sometimes people learn the wrong things. Answer I think it COULD happen but I think it would be the exception and not the rule. Victims in these kinds of situations are usually not abusive types of people - that's why they are victims. If it is an adult who grew up in a verbally abusive environment they may be the victim for a while and then finally snap and turn the tables and become the abuser but I think in most circumstances the victim would not become the abuser in the next relationship.

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Sure, he's likely to get worse. Things won't get better unless you make it happen. Either leave him or make him go with you for marriage counseling. See where it goes from there.

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He can talk to his kids and let them know that their mother is just angry for some reason and assure them that he is not what she is calling him. He should not retaliate and say abusive things about her in front of them. My father left me and my mom when I was 5 years old and until this day she has never said anything bad about him.

How do you know someone is going to break up with you?

They will make excuses to not be around you, seem standoffish, make an argument to get away, deliberately avoid any contact with you, lack of communication or physical contact - things just will not seem right or feel right between you two.

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If the excuses seem legit then try and plan things ahead of time before your friend makes other plans. If the excuses are way too "out there" then find a new friend.

Is your boyfriend abusive when he throws things?

Yes!!! It most certainly IS abusive. Abuse is much more than physical. Please, please get yourself to a councelor. The sooner the better.

Why is He so verbally abusive?

No one here can tell you. He might not know himself, really. Whatever the reason, enjoy the lack of abuse, and get to work healing from the harm the verbal abuse did to you so you can avoid verbally abusive boyfriends in the future. New answer: I agree with the first contributor, you shouldn't worry maybe he felt regret and sorrow for what he did, but you should be over joyed that you are out of that harmful environment If you are ever in an abusive relationship again END IT! You can get very hurt many young girls die or get seriously injured from abusive boy friends/ husbands it doesn't matter if it was verbal or not IT COULD TURN PHYSICAL!!! now I'm sure you don't want that!

What does excuses are tools of incompetence used to build monuments of nothingness mean?

This quote means that people who make excuses are often avoiding taking responsibility for their actions or lack of action. By relying on excuses, they are essentially wasting time and energy on justifying their failures rather than working towards success. In the end, these excuses do not lead to any meaningful achievements or progress.

Should you leave a verbally abusive partner?

It really just depends on what he calls you. Are you aware of the fact that he's just "joking" in his point of view or not? ----------- Does he know that he's hurting you by his words? If he does, is he hurting you on prupose? Ask him these things, tell him it hurts. If it makes no difference to him then you have your answer. If he didn't realize how hurt you are, then you two can talk about it. If a couple can discuss these things, then they can work it out and you probably wouln't want to leave him.

Would an abusive ex-partner who still bothers you be mad if he suspects you are involved with a new man?

If he ever found out he certainly would be. I hope you aren't living with this abusive partner! If you are still in contact with your ex (don't!) you'd be playing a very dangerous game. Abusive men like total control and if he finds out he's lost one smidgen of control over you things will only get worse for you. To be honest I think you are having a little game playing of your own going on. If you left him, have no contact with him, then why should you be so worried he'd find out? Don't talk on the phone with him or have any contact.