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"Bacon is smoked. As I understand it, the smoking process essentially cooks the meat. Therefore, when you buy bacon, it is not raw. Assuming proper handling and no other contaminants, you should be able to eat it straight out of the package. I would double check with the vendor of whatever bacon you are purchasing."

Well no, smoking does not equal cooking. Some foods (salmon) are relatively safe to eat after being well smoked, but raw ham and raw bacon are two foods that need cooking. The USFDA is very clear on this point: Pork products must be heated to 145 degrees (F) to kill bacteria that may be present.

If you eat raw bacon you won't keel over and die on the spot, but you can get gastroenteritis (bad bacteria in your gut), and may spend the next 24-48 hours wishing you'd cooked the bacon...

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