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Trust can be regained. I would personally seek counseling to work through the trust issue. I know that you probably feel like you will never trust that person again, but things can change. Always put God first in your relationship and he'll do the work.

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Q: How can you stay married to someone you cannot trust?
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you dont you divorce he or she and find someone that will be honest to you

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When someone says they do not trust you, it typically means they doubt your honesty, reliability, or integrity. This lack of trust can stem from past experiences, behaviors, or perceptions that have raised concerns for them. It is important to communicate openly and work to address any underlying issues to rebuild trust.

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See your lawyer, if this is in US then you dont need her to get divorced, in US someone cannot force you to stay married to them.,. unless your a muslim

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The only way for someone in America that is illegal can get papers is if they are married to someone in America. The person would have to stay married in order to keep the papers.

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If your husband is dating someone, you clearly have a problem to solve. Decide if you will stay married to someone who would do this to you. Insist it stops if you want to stay with him or file for divorce and find someone who deserves you.

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Honestly no it really does not make someone trust you it just shows them that you notice them. Remember actions speak louder than words. The best way to show someone that you are trustworthy and the can trust you is by showing them that you can keep a promise,stay true to their words and always be there to stand up for you.

How often do 2 married people having an affair marry each other?

In scale of 1-10, 3 percent might sound right, but it doesn't stay long enough because there's some trust issue between this couple who use to be a lover. How can someone trust the man that you married if he himself betrayed his own wife who is not ex wife. People who had affairs and end up being married will never last long.

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No. In Western countries a spouse cannot force their spouse to stay married. The divorce can proceed even if one party wants to stay married.

Should you stay away from a man who has been married and has children?

Yes because he won't be a mam of trust that you would want to live with.

How do you prevent your wife from getting a divorce with you?

To prevent your wife from divorcing you, pay attention to her and be present in every event. You can only convince her by your actions that she should stay married. If that fails then you cannot stop her. No one can be forced to stay married.

You cannot trust all that you find on

If by "trust" you mean, "Can I know that every answer I see is 100% true?", then no, you cannot trust all that you find on But if by "trust" you mean, "Are the people here for the most part sincere, and is the supervisory staff genuinely dedicated to make sure that only the best answers available stay in place, with the trash and vandalism removed as quickly as possible?", then yes, you can trust what you find on