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Have your partner insert two fingers into the vaginal canal.Make sure you use some type of lubricant before insertion. After insertion into the canal, spread your fingers inside until you feel the cervix. You should be able to tell how much of the cervix has effaced. My recommendation is to go to your health care provider so they can give you more precise answers to your question. Hope this has been helpful. Good luck!

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Q: How can you tell how dialated your cervix are?
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Can your cervix close after dilation if contractions stop for weeks?

No, once you have dialated your cervix will not close.

How baby comes out by normal delivery?

Once the cervix is dialated the babys head than body come out the vagina

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their pupil are dialated

Im 36 weeks and 3 cm dialated but not effaced How can you get labor going?

Im 36wks and 3cm dialated but my cervix is not softened yet there is no sure way to get labor started your baby will come wgen it's good and ready!!

What does it mean if you are 50 percent effaced and not dilated?

50% is out of 100% which means your cervix is paper thin. Once your cervix is dialated to 10cm & your 100% effaced baby is ready to be born. How long it could be in this position, depends on your body.

If you are 32 weeks pregnant with your 5th child and your cervix is 1-1 and a half cms dilated does this mean early labour?

I am a labor and delivery nurse and see this all the time. The answer to the question is that the more children you have the more lax your cervix becomes. We call this, unofficially, a multip-cervix. If this is your fifth child having a cervix that is dialated even a few centimeters may just be the way your cervix is, not a sign of impending labor or even further dilitation at this point. You will most likely just walk around the rest of your pregnancy dilated 1+ cm. And that is normal and actually, to be expected from a cervix that has been dilated four times prior. Unless you are experiencing ongoing contractions, vaginal bleeding or fluid leakage you have not much to be concerned about. Of course make sure to keep your doctor updated with any changes in your condition. it only means that you are dialating early, I was 4 cm dialated when I had my daughter at 38 weeks, I dialated prior to giving birth with all my kids and they were all full term

When does your cervix open during pregnancy?

id really depends. when the cervix opens, it is called dialating. for example, i was due April 19th. however, march 29th i was dialated to 3 cm. in my case, i had my baby that day because he was "frank breech" so they are to do a c-section. but some girls go weeks being 1-3 cm dialated, it just depends, and usually happens the closer you approach your due date :) hope this was helpful!

What does it mean if your cervix is to cm in 30 weeks pregnancy?

it means you are two cm dialated. 2 cm is not a big deal i was 2 cm with both my children at 30 weeks. they don't worry about it unless you are 4 or more cm i believe. its your cervix getting ready for birth.

How do you spell dialated?

The correct spelling is dilated (widened), often used in medical contexts.

How long do you if your 5cm dialated and 80 percent effaced?

I would not wait around to find out....get to a hospital. Only an OBGYN can tell this while you are in labor.

How do you know if your cervix is closed?

The doctor will tell you when you have an exam and then you will go in for an outpatient surgery to open it.

How can you tell a female is ovulating?

Her vagina gets wet like when shes horny, her opening will also be dialated more and she'll want do it all the time