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Since they attack using their teeth, a noticable bite mark would be left, with a blood stain on the fur.

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Q: How can you tell if a female hamster has been attack by another hamster?
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Can a male dwarf hamster go into a female dwarf hamster's cage?

No,no,and definitely not. That is a very bad idea. A male hamster should NEVER be placed in a female's cage, because female hamsters are very defensive about their territory,and will attack your male if he is placed in her cage. If you want the perfect set-up for more hamsters, you should put the female in the male's cage. Since males aren't as defensive about their territory as females, the female will get used to your male hamster's scent. Then they might eventually mate,then you should take her out of his cage. This happened when I first had 3 dwarf hamsters. We put our smallest one, Snowy, into our ferocious female hamster's cage , Paws (it was Chompers at the time, but we changed the name), and she tackled Snowy all over the place. He would have been killed if we hadn't have taken him out. A few years later, I learned in a book about hamsters and their mating, and discovered our problem with putting Snowy in Paws' cage.

Is the male hamster less aggressive than the female?

yes, all of my hamsters that i have owned, the girls have been more aggressive

How do you treat a dwarf hamster with bites from another breed of hamster?

yes there is a way if your hamster has been bitten by another breed you should keep them in different cages and put some vasaline on their wound and by a few day or a week or so they should have a scap of where their wound was then a few more weeks or days your hamster should be back to normal

How many hamsters can a Syrian hamster give birth to?

A Syrain Hamster can give almost the same amount a Dwarf Hamster can give to. The number per liter depends on how long the female has been active with the male. For more Information, visit:

Why did my female hamster kill and eat her female sister?

There are MANY reasons for this. The most common are: 1. They might've been fighting over a mate, and the (killing) hamster felt threatened by her sister and killed her. 2. The first hamster was pregnant, and so killed her sister so she could eat her and get the plentiful nutrients in her sister's body (this is also why hamsters eat their own waste -- it has lots of nutrients in it). 3. Your first hamster got an illness, a psychological disease, which caused her to go crazy and kill her female sister (and eat her). Yes. All in all, it is very gruesome.

How long does a hamster stay shy?

It depends how often you hold him/her, and for how long. The more you handle a hamster, the quicker it will become less shy. Male hamsters tend to be more shy, and female hamsters tend to be more vicious. It also depends how much the hamster has been held in the pet shop it came from.

Hamsters 2 on Nintendo booklet?

hamsters can have babies but they have to be more than 21 days owned. put the same breed hamster female and male hamster in the same cages every day till 4 days have been. then you go to your girl hamster ,what has been playing with the boy hamster, to the shop then carlson or some one will say "could this be i think (your hamsters name) could be pregnate" and then you will have to wait 1 week for it to have a baby.

Your hairless hamster might be pregnant you have been through a hamster pregnancy before but not hairless female cant the babies die help?

=Hairless Hamsters cannot Lactate. The babies will not die at birth but if you do not find a rat or other hamster mom they will starve too death. Or you are going too need too hand feed.=

How do you tell if your hamster is a girl or a boy?

Look under the hamsters legs, females will be smooth, males will have a bubbly protrusion. On young longhaired hamsters it can be difficult to tell if it is male or female. Wait for the hamsters to get bigger.A male hamster has balls and a female does not.

My female robo hamster has been getting bigger and has been acting pregnant since we got her almost 2 months ago but hasn't given birth yet is she pregnant?

hamster birth process is 16-22 days. tho do u have any males? and maybe shes just growing or getting fat i thought the same thing with my hamster. hamsters grow rrlly fast

Is it okay to put a hamster in a cage where a sick hamster has been?

NEVER put the new hamster in the same cage, with same stuff! BOIL the toys, cage, in warm, soapy water for 30 minutes! If you don't you are most likely to have another sick/dead hamster :( The disease might remain in the same cage where the sick hamster may have touched, nibbled or made any contact with. Stay safe!

Can a fancy hamster and a teddy bear hamster have babies?

yes they can i have a fancy hamster and a teddybear hamsters and my hamster is already pregnant theve been together for like two weeks!!