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Does he talk about her a lot? Does he still talk to her? Does he keep anything that used to belong to her? Does he still keep pictures of her? Make your own personal decision when answering these questions.

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Q: How can you tell if your boyfriend is still in love with his ex?
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What if your ex boyfriend still likes you a lot but you have a boyfriend but you kinda still like your ex what do you do?

just tell your new boyfriend that you still have feelings for your ex and tell your ex that you have a new boyfriend if they really care about you they will understand

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you call him everday and you go to his house everyday and tell him that you love him still.

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he does it just that he still used to his ex but just tell him that he need to listen to you because your with him and not his ex unless you guys shoulnt be together

How do you show your ex boyfriend that you still love him?

Tell him you will support him no matter what he does and that you just want him to be happy.

What should you do if you still love your ex but she has a boyfriend?

Tell her how you feel and ask who she likes. Or ask if she still likes you in her heart.

Tell ex-boyfriend you have a new boyfriend?

To tell your ex boyfriend you have to say were just friends and that i know i have moved on but we can still be friends but we moved on and i have a boyfriend now

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you still love her

How do you tell another boy you still in love with your ex boyfriend?

grow a pair of balls and just tell them. that's the best advice you can take.

Should you tell your ex you still love her?

If your ex does not have a boyfriend or is not married and only dating then phone her (don't text her) and ask her if she will meet you somewhere and then discuss how you feel about her.

What do you do if your ex boyfriend says he still loves you?

It's important to consider your own feelings and boundaries before deciding how to respond. If you no longer have romantic feelings for your ex, it's okay to communicate that clearly and set boundaries. If you are open to the possibility of reconciliation, have an open and honest conversation to see if there is a way to move forward together.

You think you still love your ex boyfriend how do you know?

If you still think of your ex-boyfriend and talk about him that means you ain't over him. If you continue to hate your ex that means you still got feeling there.

Can it be possible to be in love with your current boyfriend but still love your ex?

yes, of couurse ..