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He is interested in you, he wants to know what you want to do and he is asking alot of questions about you. He might even ask you out on a date.

He will also be a lot nicer and possibly more chivalrous. You might even catch him staring at you sometimes. If you just end up not being able to read the signs but still have the feeling that he likes you, then just go up to him and ask him how he feels. I would more likely recomend not to do this if you don't like him back. Just depends on the type of guy he is.

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Q: How can you tell if your guy friend really likes you?
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Definitely don't ask him out or tell her! if you do then she might get really upset.

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If you have a friend who is a friend of him, ask the friend to ask him if he likes you.

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by hesitating and not alot of eye contact

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How can you tell your guy friend likes you?

Ask him.

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I really like this guy ,but I don't know if he likes me. I'm 11 years old in 5TH grade

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Tell his 'friend' to stay out of your business !

How can you tell if your guy friend likes you?

the way he lookes at you

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They say if he teases you.