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A great white is white on the stomache and is relatively bigger than Tigers. A tiger sharks head is squarish but rounded on the corners. A tiger also has patterns on them that some say look like leopard print. I hope this helps :-)

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Q: How can you tell the difference between the great white shark and a tiger shark?
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What would be a match for a tiger shark?

a match for a tiger shark is a great white bull shark or a whale shark

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The Great white or the tiger shark.

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In the water a Tiger would have no chance against a 10 times as heavy shark but on land the tiger would win because a shark can't breath in air

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no it was a tiger shark

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the great white shark will win

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A great white shark is more fierce than a tiger shark. This is based on the recorded number of attacks on humans.

How can you tell the difference between tiger shark and the blue shark teeth?

Scientists have a special tool to help them find out what species the shark was, how old it was when the tooth was lost, and if the shark had any diseases or sicknesses.

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Tiger shark, and the Great white shark. Tiger shark being 8 ft. long, and the great white is only 5 ft. long.

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thear are some sharks what are stronger then tiger sharks such as bull shark and great white sharks

What shark hurts the most people?

great whites and tiger shark