

How can you use 'constrained' in a sentence?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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My car didn't seem to have much power and then I realized the wheels were being constrained by the parking brake.

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I was constraining my deepest feelings

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Q: How can you use 'constrained' in a sentence?
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Use constrained in a sentence?

This means to be compelled or embarrassed. Here are some sentences.She gave me a constrained smile.He was constrained by law to pay her.I felt constrained to object to that.

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Something that is constrained is highly or severely restricted. Something in captivity is confined. Constrained captivity is basically highly restricted confinement. Prison would be an example of constrained captivity and so would zoos or animal shelters.

What does the word constrained mean?

"Constrained" means being limited or restricted in some way, often by external factors or circumstances that make it difficult to act freely or fully. It can also refer to feeling restricted or unable to make certain choices or decisions.

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Some synonyms for constrained are restrained, bound, chained, shackled, imprisoned, or compelled.

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Type your answer here...When the motion between the elements,forming a pair is such that the constrained motion is not completed by itself,but by some other means,then the motion is said to be successfully constrained motion

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What is constrained mean?

"Constrained" means something that is limited or restricted by particular conditions or circumstances. It suggests that there are boundaries, restrictions, or limitations placed on a certain activity, process, or entity.

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