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Unlike Great White Sharks, Meg didn't really have anything to keep them warm when ice age arrive so they died from that. Great White did and they survived.

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Q: How come great white sharks didn't extinct like Megalodon did?
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Are whale sharks the largest sharks?

yesOf the non-extinct species, the Whale Shark is the largest, exceeding even the Great White Shark, so the answer is Yes.Of the extinct species, the most likely to be the biggest shark is the extinct Megalodon. The Megalodon was about 13 meters long and a single tooth was estimated to be 4 inches long!YesYes. This also makes it the biggest fish in the world.

Does great white sharks grow as large as megalodon sharks?

No. Megalodon reached 60 feet, whites only 23 maximum.

Are there a megalodon living now?

No, the only living relative of megalodon today is great white sharks.

What is the closest living relative of the shark?


Can you name 8 types of sharks?

megalodon sharks, great white sharks, frilled sharks, thresher sharks, tiger sharks, sand tiger sharks, lemon sharks, bull sharks, whale sharks, basking sharks, lepord sharks,black tip sharks. there is 12.

Are megalodon bigger than great white sharks?

Well the whale shark is quite a huge shark. So the megalodon is second largest shark. It has been proved that whale sharks are just like whales but with spots. The magalodon believed to be extinct still lives to be second largest shark.

Do orca eat sharks?

Apparently, there is film of orcas taking out a Great White Shark...

Which shark is bigger mega mouth or megalodon?

The biggest meglodon was about 85ft long. The average is between 80ft to 75ft big

How long do Megladon sharks live?

megalodon is a whopping 16m then in the order of the rest of the sharks whale shark 12m basking shark7m great white5m

What is the Largest extinct meat eating shark?

The Largest prehistoric shark was 'Megalodon' which could reach around 60feet in length - considerably more than today's Great White shark 'Carcharodon' Megalodon had teeth up to approx. 7 inches in length and would have been a formidable hunter probably eating marine reptiles and other sharks of the time.

What was the name of the prehistoric shark that lived in the great lakes and when did it go extinct?

The tooth of a megalodon, a prehistoric massive killer shark, was found in Michigan. Carcharodon megalodon, or the "megatooth" shark went extinct 2 million years ago. It reached lengths of more than 60 feet.

When did megalodons get extinct?

Megalodon sharks then died after the medieval times. (but not 100% sure) One of the effects to this would be based on food and hunters who hunt them because of their babies they would have to try their best to protect them in every way possible. Some creatures who hunt megalodons babies are orcas (kiler whales) and great white sharks . More killer whales are beginning to hunt on the creatures that the Megalodons hunt! Therefore megalodonns have died out through time. Also you may think that megalodons could eat a great white whole or something but they can't because a great white was still "king of the seas and the most powerful of the seas" (no one could take him down even though a megalodon is about 2 times bigger) ^That guy is crazy, thinking that they died out after medival times when it died out millions of years ago. You seriously think a Megalodon can't swallow a great white whole when its THREE times bigger. I'm pretty sure that this guy has no idea about megalodons and that he shouldn't be answering your question before doing any research.