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it uses its nose and hits the prediter

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Q: How common dolphin protect itself?
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What laws and efforts have been made to protect the common dolphin?

the common dolphin uses there sharp nose to protect them selves

How does a dusky dolphin protect itself?

By the sound it makes.

How does a bottlnose dolphin protect itself?

by butting its head in the preditor

How does a hectores dolphin protect itself?

by swiming away or by sqeling.

How does a dolphin protect itself from danger?

a dolphin protects itself by when a predator is there, for example a hammerhead shark they would use there teamwork to kill their predator.

Does a dolphin adapt its appearance to protect itself?

Yes dolphins do appear

How does the ganges river dolphin protect itself?

by swimming fastly

How does a dolphin do to protect itself from being eaten?

keep calm and make me 07

How does the dolphin protect itself from predators?

They have incredible speed so to confuse the predators they jump in the air.

How does a dolphin protect itself from predators?

because bottle nose dolphins are gay and they have sex to have baby

How does the amazon pink river dolphin protect itself?

I am not sure, but I think it may have built in missile launchers that are armor piercing.