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Extremely. As technology advances, computers are becoming much cheaper and easier to obtain. There are also many charitable organizations that donate laptops to families that cannot afford them. Additionally, the internet has revolutionized information sharing, making computers crucial for any modern life. From students to lawyers, from professional artists to YouTube viewers, life without computer access would be much more difficult. To answer your question more precicely, however, would require more information. Do you consider an Iphone to be a computer? It has the ability to perform many of the functions of a computer, such as web browsing and typing. NOT including any handheld devices, there are over 1 billion computers in use.

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Q: How common is the use of computers?
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How common is use of computers?

Widespread use in many places on Earth inhabited by people.

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A common problem caused by the widespread use of computers is lack of personal social interaction. Another problem caused is less physical exercise.

What are the common use of energy?

Light, heat, sound, cooking, transport, use of computers and televisions.

What kind of operating system do desktop computers use?

Windows, MacOS, and Linux are the most common.

How do law students use computers?

Law students use computers much like other types of students. Common uses include taking notes, writing papers, and doing research.

How did computers change in the 1990s?

It changed the size, speed and capacity of computers. A computer that fits in a watch once filled several rooms.

When were the real computers invented?

Modern computers were in experimental use in the 40's and 50's. During the 60's, computers were more common but only among governments or computer research companies.

When would you use a Linux multiprocessing system?

When you are using a computer with multiple processors. This is common in servers and workstations, and increasingly common in home desktop computers as well.

5 sentences about you learn to use computers and use computers to learn?

1. You can use computers to learn new things.

Does Italy use computers?

Italy is a country that does use computers. In this technical age, all developed countries in the world use computers.