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He made several secret agreements with Stalin in Yalta, dividing Europe between themselves (namely, the continent was to have two spheres of influence; one supervised by USSR, and the other by the UK and France). He is the one who decided which countries should be allowed to become Communist in "free" elections, and which countries should become/remain democratic.

It could be argued that Winston Churchill started the Cold War because Churchill's "iron curtain" speech is commonly acknowledged as the start of the Cold War. This could be because he accused Stalin of drawing an "iron curtain" over Eastern Europe - referring to the soviet control of these countries. The metaphor "Iron Curtain" implies that it is hostile, unfriendly and impenetrable. I do not believe that he caused the Cold War but he was merely a catalyst for a series of inevitable events. Also, by doing the speech, it could be argued that he put pressure on America to be even more hostile to the USSR. Although he may not have caused it, he may have started it by showing open hostilities towards the USSR.

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