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By careful observation of what the animals ate.

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Q: How could settlers determine which foods were edible or poisonous?
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Are scorpions edible?

Scorpions are filled with poisonous fluids, so I recommend not eating one.

Are triops edible?

You could eat them if you wanted because they are not poisonous, but they might be a bit crunchy. Why you would want to eat them is beyond me.

Are spruce tips edible?

Yes. They are sometimes boiled to make tea. How much nutrition you could actually get out of raw spruce tips I'm not sure but they are not poisonous.

Can you eat the tiny strawberries in your lawn?

If you don't know exactly what they are, don't eat them. They could be Fragaria virginiana (edible) or Duchesnea indica (edible, but tasteless) or something else. Take a piece of the plant to a local nursery or your Extension Agent to see if they can ID it. THEN you can determine if it is edible.

What mushrooms that grow in horse manure are edible?

Depends on the area you live in, generally edible shrooms have a tendency to have rather small caps and have orange or purple underneath the caps, if you wanna be safe, go on a qebsite and try to identify your shroom, Good luck, shrooms are intense bro, good tripping.

How do you differentiate between poisonous wild blueberries and edible wild blueberries?

Well I don't really know, sorry... Maybe you could try asking someone at a nature center or some thing.

What is right to say edible or eatable?

"Edible" is something that could be eaten."Eatable" is something that is tasty,something good to eat.

What is edible long and wide?

a hot dog is edible. it is long and it is wide. that's the only thing i could think of.

Is corn syrup edible?

It is edible, but the chemicals used in getting the inedible variety of corn to this point could kill you.

Was first duct tape invented edible?

yes, it was made edible so it could be truly used for everything.

What is a common plant that you could eat?

Most plants are edible, although not very satisfying or tasty. Some people enjoy eating HoneySuckles. When eating anything from nature, be sure to check if it is poisonous and to make sure that it has not been sprayed with any pesticides.

Is dumbcane edible?

Yes but if you swollow it you could die