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it pisses you off because you can't be normal any more

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Q: How could spinal injuries affect your emotion?
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What does SIA stand for?

Could be Securities Industries Authority or Spinal Injuries Association

What is cause of Paralysis of Human Body?

Spinal cord injuries are caused when delicate spinal cord tissue is bruised, torn, or crushed. Spinal cord injuries can be caused by accidents, but can also be caused by diseases or disorders.As many as 400,000 Americans are living with spinal cord injuries. Most spinal cord injuries occur between the ages of 16 and 30, and about 82 percent of those who experience spinal cord injuries are male. Motor vehicle accidents account for approximately 44 percent of all spinal cord injuries. Other common causes include: • Acts of violence, including those that cause knife and gunshot wounds• Slips and falls• Sports-related injuries, mostly diving accidents• Trampoline accidents Results of Spinal Cord InjuryAfter the spinal cord has been injured, messages no longer flow through the damaged area, essentially cutting off information between the brain and certain parts of the body. Generally, the functions of the body located above the point of injury will continue to work with no loss of function, while the areas of the body located below the point of injury will be impaired. Impairment can include the following: • Motor deficit• Sensory deficit• Breathing difficulty• Bowel and/or bladder dysfunction Spinal Cord Injury

How do you paralyze the human leg?

Permanently paralyzing any limb is usually caused by a spinal or nerve injury. There would be no way to actually selectively do this. Even surgically, things could easily go seriously wrong (beyond losing the use of a leg). It is hard to predict what nerves or spinal injuries are going to affect. Sometimes temporary paralyzation can be done with pharmaceuticals when introduced just the right way, usually through the spine, but that would only have temporary effects. It is also a procedure that can be prone to complications. Automobile and motorcycle crashes are the leading causes of spinal injuries. A spinal injury can cause a variety of issues, including total paralysis and loss of lung function.

Why are spinal cord injuries so serious?

Spinal cord injuries are serious because if they aren't treated correctly, they can leave someone paralyzed. The spine injury is one of the worst types of innjury because there is a very big possibily that you will never be able to walk again, as said earlier.

What kind of neurological disease could cause your kittens back legs to stop working?

It could be anything from a spinal problem, spider bite, neurological problems, bone or joint injuries, or an infection. You need to take your kitten to a vet right away.

What were injuries of the soldiers on D-Day?

There were every kind of injuries you could imagine - and many you could not.

How can quarrying affect your health?

besides typical mechanical/work injuries you could also get major dust related illnesses of the lungs and nasal cavities

How is does emotion influence your decision making?

Emotion is the major thing that could influence decision making. A person could be easily influenced.

Effect of getting a spinal cord injury?

you could get a spinal cord or bundles

Why should you not move a injured person?

There may be internal injuries, organs or spinal, which could be severely aggravated by any movement. If there is imminent danger to the patient, fire, building collapse etc. then you have no choice, move them out of harms way.

Do neurons have a nucleus?

no but rarely they have som but they disappear after it effects the human spinal cord and the brain about and they could affect even higher to .so that is the conclusion of the of mabye the right answer

What kind of injuries could be claimed in a lawsuit?

"A lawsuit could claim many different types of injuries. A suit could claim injuries to the head, neck, extremities, chest, back, and face, and also the emotional and psychological trauma that goes with the pain resulting from these injuries."