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Three words: Roman Catholic Church. Rome took over a huge chunk of Europe, and converted the locals. Spain is the most famous for their assertion of Catholicism on locals (particularly in North, Central, and South America), but the French, Dutch, Portuguese, and British all played a part by their imperialist complexes- they made a lot of colonies and populated the west as well as converted the locals.

Answer:Christianity spread westward and all over the world first by the people that witnessed the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The spread was so rapid that the rulers and religious leaders of that day hunted down those that saw or were believed to have seen the resurrection of Jesus and they killed them, history shows that over 100 people were slaughtered for this reason.

Next the Pope, Catholic Church Rome, made a proclamation that would translate the Bible from its original Greek and Hebrew to the modern language's of the day, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish as well as many others. These translations are what historians credit the beginning of the 'Great Wakening or the Enlightenment'

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Q: How did Christianity spread westward?
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Why did cotton kingdom spread westward?

The cotton kingdom spread westward because the gin separated unwanted seeds from c

Why did StPaul travel?

St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.

What ideas did monks help spread across Europe?

Monks help spread Christianity across Europe.

How did Paul contribute to the spread of Christianity?

Paul of Tarsus, who was previously known as Saul spread Christianity as the first Christian missionary, or person who spreads their belief to non-believers. He travelled across the Roman Empire, sending Christian messages to gentiles and non-Jewish communities as well as to Jews. This allowed more people to follow the faith. He preached about Christianity in new areas where no one had preached before, and established Christianity there.

Who helped spread Christianity?


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Monks help spread Christianity across Europe.

Why does the spread of Christianity matter?

The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.

How did cristianity spread?

Saul spread Christianity

Did Christianity spread?

Yes. It continues to spread.

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westward expansion

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