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Democritus said that the atoms of water have smooth edges whilst the atoms of fire have sharp edges.

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Q: How did Democritus describe the atoms of water and fire?
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Did Aristotle believe matter was made of atoms?

Aristotle believed that matter was made of fire, water, air, and earth.

Who was the man who lived from 460 BC - 370 BC and was among the first to suggest the idea of atoms?

Democritus, an early Greek philosopher trying to counter the four elements concept; earth, air fire and water concept. Quite prescient of him actually.

When did the discovery of the democritus come about?

Particular what discovery? Democritus discovered atoms it was 400 BC. He believed that all matters are composed of atoms. he also believed that one can could take a specimen of matter and keep on subdividing it until it could no longer be further subdivided. The smallest piece of indivisible matter was called atom. For Democritus, atoms of water were smooth and atoms of fire have sharp edges. by JOVENLO NEGRIDO. PHYSICAL SCIENCE (EAC CAVITE)

Did Aristole agree with Democritus?

Aristotle and Democritus had differing views on the nature of reality. Democritus believed in atomism, the idea that everything is made up of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms. Aristotle, on the other hand, rejected atomism and instead proposed his theory of the four elements (earth, water, air, fire) as the fundamental building blocks of matter.

Is it true that Democritus proposed that atoms are held together by chemical bonds and no one believed him?

It is true that Democritus produced an atomic theory of matter (not in as much detail as later scientists) and it is true that his work was eclipsed by the later theory of Aristotle who classified matter in terms of four elements found on Earth (air, fire, water, and earth) and one in the heavens (the quintessence) which eventually turned out to be a much less accurate theory than that of Democritus. I would not say, however, that no one believed Democritus; he was (and remains) a respected philosopher.

What was Aristotle's contribution to chemistry?

Greeks were the first to invent and set the basis for the following: Geometry (see Euclides), Astronomy (see Aristarchus), Mathematics (see Thalis), Logic (see Aristotle), History (see Herodotus), Physics (see Democritus), Medicine (see Hippokrates) etc...

What three traits describe the god rimon?

he controls lighting water and fire

Why were the Democrutus ideas rejected by the other philosophers?

Democritus' ideas were rejected by other philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle, because he proposed an atomic theory that went against the established beliefs of the time, which emphasized the role of the four elements - earth, air, fire, and water. Additionally, Democritus' emphasis on a materialistic view of the universe and his denial of the existence of a soul were seen as radical and threatening to the religious and philosophical beliefs of his contemporaries.

Who invented atoms?

Well if it is still needed it has a llllloooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnngggggggg list starting with the ancient greek philospher Democritus with the simple fire water earth air elements but it would take less time if u read this link

What does sodium do in water?

The unstable nature of sodium and other alkali metals makes it fun to throw in water. Sodium rips apart the oxygen and hydrogen atoms that form water, thus converting water into hydrogen and oxygen. Then, the immense heat generated by the reaction will ignite the hydrogen, fusing it with oxygen to form water (water atoms is made out of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms), and also at that time the fire made by the hydrogen that was set aflame will create that big explosion and fire.

Is it true that during the time of democritus it was believed that there were only 5 elements?

No, there were four elements: fire air water and earth. Fire was hot; earth was cold; air was dry and water was wet; matching them with the four humors, blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm respectively. Eyyyuck. Good we know better today.

Aristotle stated that atoms are?

Aristotle stated that atoms were not what comprised matter. He claimed that the elements water, air, fire and earth were what made up matter since it could not be made of tiny parts.