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God promise abraham that he would make him the father of many nation.s. That his seed whould be like the number sand in which no man can count. I wonder are these abraham seed that John saw in the book of Rev. in which no man could number.

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Q: How did God say he would bless Abraham when he made a covenant with him?
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What religion was offered to Abraham in his covenant with God?

God did not offer Abraham any "religion" in the sense of a defined philosophy with a name. He only made the covenant. Abraham was made to understand that there was only one God, whom he had to trust. In return, God would bless him, and would eventually bless the whole world through Abraham's descendants. There were no rituals. There was not even a moral code. All that came later.

What was Joseph's covenant with God in Genesis?

Abraham made a covenant with God; and God swore also to Isaac and Jacob that He would uphold the covenant of Abraham with them too. For Joseph, no such statement or covenant was made. The earlier covenant applied to Joseph and all of his brothers equally and was not reiterated until the time of Moses.See also the Related Links.Link: The covenantLink: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

When did god make a covenant with Abraham promising holy land?

When god made a covenant with Abraham . That he would multiply his seeds. That his children would be multiplied like the grain of sands and the the children would be in number like the stars.

The physical act by male Jews as a sign of the special covenant?

Abraham, the patriarch of the Jewish faith. God made a Covenant with Abraham.

Name any three covenants made in the old testament?

David's covenant. Noah's covenant. Abraham's covenant.

What is a covenant and which religion was founded based on one?

A covenant literally means a promise or pact, in the case of the jews, G-d made a covenant with Abraham about his descendants and what they would inherit and become

What was the first covenant made between God and Abraham?

The second covenant was not made between God and Abraham. It was made between God & Moses at Mount Sinai. This is where the ten commandments originated.

Is circumcision a reminder of God's covenant?

Circumcision is a sign of God's covenant made with Abraham in Genesis 17:9-14.

What important contribution did Abraham make to judaism?

He made a covenant with god.

What is the Law of Abraham in the Bible?

The Law of Abraham in the Bible refers to the covenant made between God and Abraham, where Abraham was promised numerous descendants and that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. This covenant is a central promise in the Old Testament and is seen as the foundation of the relationship between God and the Jewish people.

When God promises Abraham that his progeny will live in the land of Israel as Abraham and his progeny worship God and follow his laws this is known as the?

It is called the "Covenant"-- the promise Abraham made with God, and God made with Abraham.

What did god establish with the isralites?

God made a covenant with the Israelites symbolizing if they kept his commandments and obeyed him then he would give them the land that he promised Abraham or the land of Canaan and that he would also let them prosper and destroy their enemies. The blood of the sacrifices was the symbol of this covenant. This covenant lasted until he gave his only son, Jesus. Then he made a new covenant saying that if you believe him you will have eternal life.