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Greece's physical geography had several effects on its early civilization. It is very rugged and mountainous which made it difficult to travel overland. People in different areas formed societies which developed in different ways leading to several independent city-states. As a consequence of the difficulty of travel, Greeks developed into very competent sailors and traders who traveled around the Mediterranean Sea.

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Hunter Quitzon

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2y ago
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1mo ago

Greece's geography influenced its early civilization by promoting maritime trade and communication between regions due to its many islands and indented coastline. The mountainous terrain also led to the development of independent city-states, as valleys and plains were isolated from each other, allowing for the rise of separate political entities. Additionally, the mild climate and fertile soil supported agriculture, which was a key aspect of the early Greek economy and society.

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14y ago

Greek's geography aided it in that its mountainous and somewhat inhospitable terrain forced the Greek people to send out colonies to places throughout the Mediterranean from Italy to the Black Sea and from France to Spain. This array of colonies allowed a vast amount of trade with Greece making it quite wealthy and spread the advanced Greek culture to many societies throughout the Mediterranean.

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7y ago

With arable land split up into river valleys, separate groups formed the basis of what became city-states - a tract of farming land with a citadel for protection which developed into a city. Having developed as separate entities with their own government, these city-states had no incentive to combine into larger states, and preserved their independence rigorously.

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6y ago

Nomadic settlers took over a section of watered arable land amongst the mountainous terrain. They established a defensive fort on a hill (acropolis) and a city grew up around the fort. These cities had no wish to amalgamate their hard-won lands and so the separate city-states persisted, with the separateness bolstered by their hostility and rivalry amongst them.

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7y ago

Ancient Greece was a rocky place with little land to farm on, so they took to the sea and shipping. They conquered new lands, found new foods, learned new things and became the traders of the Mediterranean. All of this shaped their culture and society as well as spreading their culture, religion, thinking, and philosophy to the ancient world.

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13y ago

The geography of Greece was very mountainous resulting it to develop separate city-states, few known as Athens and Sparta.

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Why where ptolemy's contributions to geography so important?

Ptolemy's contributions to geography were important because he developed a comprehensive system of map projections and coordinates that laid the foundation for modern cartography. His work, especially the Geographia, helped standardize geographic information and improve navigation for centuries to come. Ptolemy's maps were instrumental in expanding geographical knowledge and understanding the world during his time and beyond.

Which early civilization was influenced most directly by the Tigris river the zagros mountains and the syrian desert?

The early civilization most directly influenced by the Tigris River, Zagros Mountains, and Syrian Desert was the ancient Mesopotamian civilization. The Tigris River provided water for irrigation, the Zagros Mountains acted as a natural barrier for protection, and the Syrian Desert limited the civilization's expansion in certain directions. These geographical features shaped the development and prosperity of Mesopotamia.

Who is a father of geography?

The ancient Greek scholar, Eratosthenes, is often regarded as the "father of geography." He was one of the first people to use the term "Geography" and created a system of latitude and longitude. His work laid the foundation for many geographic principles still used today.

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Because they could transport materials that they needed to make autos

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The geography of Japan, being an island nation with mountainous terrain, influenced Japanese civilization in various ways such as limiting agricultural land, promoting isolation and cultural distinctiveness, and fostering a strong maritime culture due to reliance on the sea for resources and trade. The geography also contributed to the development of Japan's unique architecture, art, and religious beliefs.

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How did Greece's geography influence its early civilizations?

Greece's physical geography had several effects on its early civilization. It is very rugged and mountainous which made it difficult to travel overland. People in different areas formed societies which developed in different ways leading to several independent city-states. As a consequence of the difficulty of travel, Greeks developed into very competent sailors and traders who traveled around the Mediterranean Sea.

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How did greece's physical geography influence it's early civilization?

Greece's physical geography had several effects on its early civilization. It is very rugged and mountainous which made it difficult to travel overland. People in different areas formed societies which developed in different ways leading to several independent city-states. As a consequence of the difficulty of travel, Greeks developed into very competent sailors and traders who traveled around the Mediterranean Sea.

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