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He committed genocide and very nearly destroyed the world in the process.


Hitler had plans to take over the world. He started in Germany, throughout Europe. He lied about a lot of things, like the Berlin wall, and a few other things.

He abused his power, he took it for granted. So in 1945, he shot himself.

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12y ago

Adolf Hitler used many techniques through Propaganda to pursuede and gain allies in WW2. he became a dictator, and eventually rose to power through that. Because he was a dictator, his word was law. any people that disobeyeed him were either locked up in jail, or even killed. he created fasism, a sysem of governemtn where rights of the indivitdual are crushed by the rights of the group. Hitler was brought up in a town where they hated Jews, homosexuals, gyspies, and basically anyone who werent 'them' or 'normal'. but the question is, what is normal? he wanted an aryan race, with people with blonde hair and blue eyes, but he had brown hair and brown eyes? Hitler killed 6 million Jews alone, not counting the homos, gyspies and other randoms. he was evil.


Via the internet, it would appear that Adolf Hitler's power still exists today. A quote listed on the internet, apparently from a Speech by Adolf Hitler in November 1933, apparently quoted in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer: "When an opponent declares, 'I will not come over to your side,' I calmly say, 'Your child belongs to us already ... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community."

If the statement, "Your child belongs to us already...." is true, it would follow that Hitler and his followers' thinking and ideologies would be transferred through generations. Therefore, the divide and inequities between peoples will continue unless openly addressed and somehow solved.

The first answer to this question sets forth examples of Hitler's extreme power.

Hitler and others were able to forward a powerful agenda by mind control, propaganda, certain procedures, the use of force and intimidation, etc. The ultimate result was that certain peoples were granted power and important resources, where others were not.

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12y ago

Hitler misused his power by using it to murder millions upon millions of Jewish people. He tortured and gassed them, shot them and mistreated them in many other ways.

Hitler was truly a great dictator, just not the right kind...

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Kids these days...

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