

How did Japan have this big earthquake 2011?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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This horrible earthquake was caused by; tectonic plates, these plates were basically shoved under another plate which caused the earthquake. Some quakes move back and forth and some earthquakes; like this Japans move plates under other ones. The plates are called "The Ring of Fire" which circles around the Pacific ocean. Hawaii is smack in the middle of this ring plate. Japan's plates are 15 miles under the Pacific Ocean's sea floor. Please view the related source link for more explanations and photos.

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When did Japan have the big earthquake in 2011?

It occurred on Friday 11th March 2011

Is the 2011 Japan earthquake the worst in history?

No, but it is the worst in Japan this century. The last big earthquake of this magnitude was in the early 1900's.

What is the Magnitude of an earthquake and how big was the earthquake in Japan?

The magnitude of an earthquake is a number used to quantify how much energy was released during the earthquake. The earthquake in Japan that occurred on Friday, March 10, 2011, had a moment magnitude of 8.9.

What was rating of Japan's 2011 big earthquake?

The rating was 9.0, which is almost complete destruction.

Was the 2011 Japan earthquake a transform earthquake?

No. The March 2011 earthquake in japan was along a convergent boundary, and triggered by subduction.

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Great East Japan Earthquake / 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami

What is the name of the earthquake that hit Japan in 2011?

It is called the Sendai Earthquake of 2011 because the epicenter was nearest the city of Sendai, Japan.

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What year was Japan's earthquake?

It depends on the earthquake you are talking about. Many have occurred in Japan. The most recent is the 2011 earthquake.

How long did the earthquake lasted in Japan 2011?

The earthquake in Japan lasted about 3-5 minutes.

Why was it a tsunami in Japan 2011?

there was tsunami because the earthquake had a high magnitude,so made big that caused the tsunami

How big was the Tsunami in Japan in 2011?

Estimated wave height: 10 meters. Earthquake Richter scale: 8.9