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Christianity spread throughout the world through the courageous actions of missionaries through the centuries. The Roman Empire initially persecuted Christians, but most Christians lived their faith through word and deed, helping other people. Later, the Catholic Church was the pioneer in quality health and education.

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1) As the Jewish communities spread and moved. This phenomenon was set in motion by the various expulsions and persecutions, which drove Jewish populations to settle in new places.
2) As non-Jews came in contact with Jews, there was a degree of influence upon them. Ancient writers speak of large numbers of people in the Mediterranean area who had taken on various Jewish practices. It was these semi-converts who were especially likely to adopt Christianity.

3) As the new religion of Christianity spread, it taught those beliefs which it had adopted directly from Jewish sources, such as the prohibition of infanticide and human sacrifice.

See also:

The influence of Hebrew traditions on the Western world

More about Judaism's impact

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Q: How did Judaism and Christianity spread through out the world?
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How did Judaism and Christianity spread throughout the the world?

JudaismGenerally speaking, throughout history Judaism hasn't really spread per se. Rather it has survived and grown naturally through childbirth. This is due to the fact that Judaism doesn't proselytize and the number of converts throughout history has been minimal. Keep in mind that during most of history and in most places, converting to Judaism was considered a capital offense, punishable by death or losing all your possessions. Generally speaking most Jews are descendents of Jews. Only in recent years has conversion to Judaism picked up a bit, relatively to previous generations.ChristianityChristianity has spread through proselytization, movement of Christians to different places in the world, forcible conversion, and debate. Once Christianity became the official religion of Rome, it also wielded political power, leading to many more conversions.

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Five religions that are found around the globe are Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, the Baha'i Faith.

Why should Christianity be considered a major world religion?

A:More than anything, the spread of Christianity can be attributed to the success of the Roman Empire, with the enforced conversion of pagans to Christianity throughout the empire, then the success of the Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne, the forced conversion of Russia to Christianity and finally the spread of colonialism to the New World.

What country practices the most of Christianity judaism or Islam?

Christianity and Judaism is practiced mostly in the western world and Islam is mostly practiced in 3rd World Countries

Where was Judaism spread?

The way the question is written implies agency. Most of Judaism's spread was based on necessary migrations of Jews from other countries. Judaism spread by way of people moving, not populations converting. Jews spread throughout the Roman Empire, expanded out through much of Europe and also spread to the New World and Australia, before the mass return of Jews to Israel.

Where can Judaism and Christianity and Islam worship together?

Anywhere in the world.

How has the growth of Christianity compared to the growth of Judaism?

Christianity is the world's largest religion with about 2.1 billion adherents. Judaism has about 14 million adherents worldwide.