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There has been a history of Islam in France for many years now; the Great Mosque was built in Paris in the 1920s as a sign of recognition to the fallen Muslim Algerians at the battle of Verdun. Male Muslim Immigration was high in the 1960s and 1970s. These first-generation immigrants came primarily from Algeria and other North African colonies. These immigrants are now mainly retired from the workforce. The second-generation Muslims, born in France, are actually not designated "immigrants" as they were born on French soil. A large number of these Muslims live in the working-class suburbs.

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Most muslims are found in Indonesia, however, France, Holland and Great Britain also have Muslims that have immigrated to these countries in search for a better life or went there as refugees, there are many people from Morocco that have found work in France so they decided to stay and live there as well.

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France only has the most Muslims in Europe; Indonesia has the largest number of Muslims of any country in the world, which is nearly 50x that of France.

France has a large Muslim population because of the proximity of the former French colonies in the Islamic World: Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. Since many of the inhabitants of these countries already speak French, there is no language barrier when they immigrate to France. As a result, it makes France appear as a better choice when these immigrants leave to partake of Europe's better economic opportunities. France also has a larger Muslim population because after World War II, France needed foreign workers (most coming from the Islamic World) to rebuild the country. This created domestic communities in France that new immigrants could latch onto, making subsequent immigration easier.

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